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"Adeline good pressure!" Coach Jessica yelled. My heart raced as I pressured my teammate, swiping the ball from her feet and passing to Amber.

"Amber shoot!" Kate called from midfield. Amber shot and it went right pass the goalies hands.

"Good practice girls!" Coach said.

"Amber you going to the party at Tyler's house?" Our teammate Kylie asked.

"Sure! You going Adeline?" She turns to me.

"I think, I'll have to ask Harry if he wants to." I take a swig of water. "Kate you goin-" I start and turn to look for Kate. I saw the back of her blonde head very close to her boyfriend Tyler's. Being the schools "it couple" made them very...passionate.

I feel two arms snake around me form behind. "Great job today babe," my boyfriend Harry says.

"Thank you, we going to that party tonight?"

"I think so, unless you want to spend sometime alone..." he drifts off and gives puppy eyes.

"Harry..." I say furrowing my brows. we had been dating for 2 years, since 9th grade, and being a teenage boy with raging hormones, Harry naturally wanted sex. But as for me, I was content with waiting.

*2 hours later*

"How was volleyball practice?" I ask Hannah.

"I'm sore," she says.

"Well get un-sore," I say.

"Don't tell me what to do," she huffs.

I laugh and go into my room, grab my cropped hoodie, and my light blue shorts. I decided to wear my hair natural, curly.

"Hannah, we literally have 5 min and the only thing you've done is flood my minecraft world, get ready!" I yell. She rolls her eyes and puts on her sweatshirt and Skinny jeans.

*at the party*

"You gotta bae or nah" the remix of Booty had me like boomed in the background.

"Hannah!" I screamed. "Im gonna go find Harry!"

She nodded and I walked off.

After 5 min of searching for Harry and drinking punch, my bladder was going to explode. I find the nearest door that looked like it could be a bathroom. I bust it open and stumble to turn on the lights. Moans fill the room and I roll my eyes. Until I recognize a voice.

"Baby," a slow talking Brit says.

"Harry?!?!" I say trying to hold back my tears. Finally finding the switch I turn on the lights and see Harry and some girl with her boobs out but her bra not even all the way off.

"Adeline..." Harry says.

I walk out the door, pushing pass Kate ignoring her attempts to talk to me. I grab my keys out of my purse and unlock my crappy white Volvo. Just sitting with my head on the steering wheel and letting the tears stream.

"Adeline," Harry gets in my passenger side, "I'm sorry."

"Harry, I thought we loved each other, but maybe I was wrong. I'm sorry I could give you what you wanted." I cry.

"Adeline, I just..." He starts.

"Harry can you get out." I say grabbing my phone and texting Hannah telling her to get another ride.

He gets out and walks back to the party.

Saving HarryWhere stories live. Discover now