Moving in

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I open the apartment door ready to face the stress of Harry Styles. A angelic voice fills the apartment. A familiar voice. I smile as it continues to sing. It stops once the shower stops and out comes a half naked Harry. Wearing a towel around his waist, just barely covering his v line.

I gulp and dart my eyes away. "Harry, pull the towel up."

I practically he smirk in his voice when he says "sure thing love," he fixes his towel and goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"I forgot how lovely your voice is," I say looking at him.

His face drops. "uh, yeah, thank you, you know I kinda gave up on becoming famous."

"You shouldn't have, you're really good," I say with a smile.

"It's kinda hard to continue your ambitions when you're addicted to cocaine, Adeline," he snapped.

I felt frightened. The way he snapped at me. I didn't understand what I said wrong. I was trying to compliment him, and he took it as an offense. "I'm sorry Harry."

"No I'm sorry," he sighs, "You don't understand what an addiction is like."

I stare blankly, he was right. I had never done anything that would ruin my life like that. "Harry, we're you staying with Blair?"

He looks at the ground and doesn't answer.

"You need to get out if you want help, do you want help?" I ask.

"Yes, so much. Every day I see you practicing and I see the passion that I once had. You are living your dream and I'm not," he says, tears coming out of his dull, green eyes.

I pull him in for a hug. His scent was still the same. It was still the same Harry underneath all the drug use. I smile at the familiar scent, it brought back memories.


"Harry!!!!" I say laughing, trying to body slam Harry.

"Adeline this is considered cheating!" Harry laughs trying to push me off of him.

"IM ON YOUR TEAM!" I scream as I was killed once again in Halo by Harry.

"Whatever loser," he smiles showing his dimples.

"I h9 you," I say hugging him.
(It's like h8 but greater cause 9>8)

"I love you too," his slow, British accent sing songed.
**End of Flashback**

I pull away from the hug and he looks at me, smiling. I turn away and start to walk to the kitchen to grab my phone. I could feel Harry staring at me. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help him. But I haven't seen him in almost 2 years.

"Harry," I take a deep breath, "if you would like, you could stay here until you find a home."

"Thank you so much Adeline," he says cheerfully.

Now I just need to call Hannah...

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