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I take in a deep breath and push open my bedroom door and grab my school bag and walk out the door, careful not to look at Harry lying on the couch, knowing my shaky breath would turn to sobs.

I walk to school and listen to music. I couldn't hear a single sound except for the music blasting through my headphones. It was a beautiful day but it was almost 100 degrees.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Kevin behind me. "Hey!"

I take off my red beats and smile at him. "Hey! Haven't seen you in a while!"

"...it's been 3 days..." He looks at me with a smile and his brows furrowed.

"Really? Only 3? My life has been so hectic I guess I lost track!" I say shaking my head.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Yeah, could use some normal right about now," I laugh awkwardly.

"Well how about going to dinner with me tonight?" Kevin says cheekily with an award winning smirk.

"I'd love to," I smile.


My class had ended at 1:30 in the afternoon and practice was cancelled due to one of the coaches catching some bug going around. I'm guessing the other coaches didn't want to take any chance in the players getting sick a week before the first game.

Kevin and I had settled on having dinner at 6:30. I had decided to stay out as long as I could. I didn't want to face Harry after last night.

I make my way over to the library to get some books. School had just started and so far there were no exams so I didn't expect many people in the library.

On my way I specifically notice the cheery blossoms are blooming. The sky's were clear and sunny. The sidewalks were filled with people walking and the grass was green. Almost fake looking.

Being in California, I was never used to such beautiful scenery. I've always loved being in the city because of the night lights. They shined bright like little fireflies.

I finally get to the library and push open the doors and go straight to where my favorite book would be. Except I don't see any copies. I Shrug and assume the library doesn't have it because it's not very popular.

At 4:30 I start to head back to my apartment so I could get ready for dinner. Once I open the door I hear the shower running and assume it was Hannah. I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water and I see my favorite book on the counter.

"Hey," Harry says to me.

I ignore him and walk to my room. He must've thought I was crazy mad at him, and I was, sorta. It's the kind of mad when you care so much that you're mad.

"Adeline?" I hear the Cheshire accent.

I get up and open my door. "Harry I have to get ready," I say pushing past him.

"Are we not going to talk about last night?" He raises his voice.

I ignore his question as my eyes fill with tears. I go to Hannah's room and open the door, knowing she's at work. I decided to borrow her clothes for my date tonight.

I grab an outfit and walk into the bathroom and turn on the water. I play my music from my phone so my thoughts don't overwhelm me.

An upbeat song plays and I start dancing around in the tub. I slip and fall...classic Adeline. I look down and see I cut myself a little on the faucet tab.

"Aw crap," I say to myself. I finish washing my hair and then my body, careful of my new cut. Once I turn off the water I step out of the shower and grab a towel. I clean up my cut and put a band aid on and then put on lotion. After that I put on my clothes. *outfit at the top of the screen*

My phone rings and I see Kate's picture pop up. "Helllllooo?" I say into the phone.

"I'm bored you should come over. I can invite Audrey," she says into the phone.

"I'm busy tonight I'm sorry," I say.

"You have plans? That's a first! Whatcha doing?" She asks.

I glare into the mirror. "I'm going on a date with this boy from one of my classes."

"Oh la la, well I won't keep you!" She says hanging up.

I continue to play music as I put on my makeup. I walk out of the bathroom and go to my room to get my bag ready. Once I'm done I go out to the living room and walk by Harry.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"On a date," I say bluntly.

"Oh," he says looking me up and down then going on his phone.

"Bye," I say walking out the door, not giving him a chance to return the goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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