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"Looking out at all of you people...makes me hungry," Amber groans. She pushes herself up and runs to the kitchen.

"Well...this is really hard, it's like the biggest speech these people are gonna hear and I can't..." Amber sighs.

"Calm yo'self," I say jumping up on the counter.

"ADELINE!" She screams.

"Ok how about this. 'Four years ago I stepped one foot into this building and didn't know what to expect, but I found the best four years of my life,'" I say.

"...No," she huffs "how about I write it when I'm not tired."

"Sounds good," I laugh.

*day of graduation*

"This is how we doooooooo" I sing at the top of my lungs, curling my dark brown hair into loose curls. After the last curl I put down the curler. I never put hairspray in my hair because I didn't like the way it felt later. I grabbed my eyelash curler and curled my lashes before applying my mascara. I had gold shimmer eye shadow on, to match my blue graduation gown with a gold tassel, but as for a under dress I wore a white dress.

I packed away my gown into my car and drove off to the school. My school was fairly big and had a great football field which doubled as the soccer field. The school colors were blue and yellow and our mascot was the Eagles.

I arrived at the school parking lot and walked into the main building. I saw my favorite teacher Mr. Shaw, a college prep teacher, and went up to go talk to him. "Hi Mr. Shaw!"

"Hey Adeline, excited for the graduation ceremony?" He asked me.

"Sorta, kinda sad to leave this place but you know I'm really happy to go to Standford and play for their soccer team," I smiled.

"I know that Blakey High will miss you," he said pausing. "I'm very proud of you, I have been your teacher all 4 years of high school and I have never seen such a marvelous student. You truly brought great things to our class."

"Thank you Mr. Shaw. I loved taking your class. I felt like it was family after a while, we all became so close," well, almost all. That class was a class that you took all 4 years of high school if you wanted to. That class was where I met Harry, I still remember sitting next to him and slowly becoming best friends. But after the end of 10th grade, Harry dropped out, after he cheated on me with Blair. I never really saw him again.

"Well, I'll see you out there," he smiled before waking to the auditorium.

I walked over to my locker to get the last of my things out. I put in my combo and pulled up on the knob. Out fell a picture of me, Hannah, Amber, and Kate from when we were in 9th grade. I smile and laugh at the memories of driving with Kate's brother who was high most of the time, all the way to Sonic's drive in just to get a burger and a cherry lime-aid.

"Adeline you ready?" I hear Luke, one of the guys in my math class ask me.

"Yeah, you?" I sigh.

"Yeah, ready to get out of this hell hole," he laughs. Luke was the quiet type that never really spoke his mind but when he did it was always either very profound, or extremely simple. he had bright blue eyes and he styled his hair in a quiff. He had the biggest crush on Hannah but he never had the balls to say anything.

"So what college you going to?" I ask.

"I got accepted into Standford on a half scholarship," he says proudly. "How about you?"

"I'm going to Standford too. So is Hannah," I sing-songed.

"Shut up," he laughs and shoves my shoulder.

I pushed open the auditorium doors and walked in. So many students were dressed in their gowns and talking to their friends. I went to go find Hannah and Kate.

"Hey!" Kate hugged me.

"Oh, there you are! Where's Hannah?" I ask.

"I think she's out side,"


"Hi, okay so I was asked to do the graduation speech for the class of 2015, and trying to find the words to say how I felt about high school was hard, so instead I put together some life advice. Number one, 'your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.' Steve Jobs. Number two, 'Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love what you doing or learning to do.' Pele. Number 3, 'drink orange juice everyday.' Andy Anderson," the class chuckled. "I am very honored to share 4 years with these students, teachers and staff. Thank you," Amber walked off and we all clapped.

They called names of students by alphabetical order of last name and we all ended the day proud and exhausted. Last thing to do before high school was really over, was go to Tyler's for one last party.

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