Lunch with Serena

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Dedicated to Clarilily love you!

I got Serena's address and started to drive over there. I reach the place and ring the doorbell. I hear some stumbling and then the door opens.

"Did you fall?" I ask laughing.

" was my cat blu!" She stutters.

I laugh and show her to my car. I turned on the radio and 'And We Danced' by Macklemore came on.

"OMG I LOVE THIS SONG" Serena screams.

"NO WAY ME TOO" I scream back.

We spent the rest of the song signing loudly.

"How far away are the burgers? I mean the restaurant?" She ask.

"Well, about an hour away but I swear they are worth it," I saw awkwardly.

"It's okay, we can listen to 500 miles and And We Danced!" she says cheerfully.

"Yeah! So you're looking for a new place?" I ask.

"Yeah, my roomate Dekiah is moving out to go live with his bitch girlfriend Makinzlee. I don't like her," she huffs.

"Ha I can tell, I already don't like her, I mean what kind of name is Makinzlee?" I laugh.

"RIGHT?!? She's also basic, like realllllyyyyy basic,"

"Ew," I say. "So why can't you stay at the place?"

"Well, I wasn't supposed to be living there in the first place, but Dekiah snuck me in and I ended up staying," she laughs.

"Well, I'm looking for a new roomate, I have one now but we need another one cause we need help with the rent," I inform her.

"Really? Maybe I could come by and check it out sometime?!?" She ask.

"Yeah that would be awesome!" I say.

We continue driving out until we get to Sonic Drive in.

We eat lunch in my car and talk about Our favorite tv shows. We both were in love with How I Met Your Mother.

As I drove her home, she invited me in to meet her cat. We walk in and the first sight to see is some red head shortie covering her mouth with her sleeve as she hold up her phone.

Serena rolls her eyes and shows me to her room. On the bed, there's a tiny little kitten with a blue collar.

"Oh my god it's so cute!" I say.

"I know! Hey, do you play video games?" She asks me.

"Yeah all the time! I love halo!" I say.

"...And minecraft?" She ask hesitantly.

"It's a guilty pleasure," I saw awkwardly.

"ME TOO! But I only play in creative mode," she says.

"Same! Survival is way to bad ass for me!"

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