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"Hi!" I say to two girls as I walk into the locker room on my first day of practice. They glare at me and continue to tie their cleats.

"Don't mind them," a kind voice whispers to me. "Serena," she holds out her hand.

"Adeline," I shake it.

"What position do you play?" She asks me.

"Defense, you?" I say putting on my socks.

"Midfielders, but once I shot in the wrong goal and I was put on probation," she says drifting off.

"Well, let's hope that doesn't happen again," I laugh.

Practice had been nice. I stuck around Serena. She told me how she was looking for a place to stay and I told her how I was looking for another roommate to help pay the rent.

We exchanged number and she drove home in her Tesla. I had stayed at the stadium for a little bit just to get in a bit more extra practice.

I felt a pair of eyes burn into the back of my head. I turned around and saw no one. I blinked and went back to doing toe touches.

I heard a cough and jumped. Standing by the stadium entrance was Harry. He obviously saw me looking at him because he put on a shy smile and started walking towards me. He looked horrible. His curly hair had grown out and gone flat and he wore a man bun. His shirt was baggy and white and his jeans were sagging. His shoes and countless holes in them.

I took a deep breath to keep myself from freaking out. "Hi Harry."

"Adeline," he smiled.

"How have you been?" I ask cautiously.

"Horrible," he says flatly. "I know I look horrible, you don't have to pretend. I kinda fucked up my life."

"Well," I say not wanting to get too into his personal life. "I should probably go."

"Wait!" He grabs my arm. "Can we talk sometime?"

"I don't know, I'm pretty busy," I say coldly.

"Well you don't seem busy now," he says.

"Alright fine," I sigh.

He stares at me. His eyes, that once were bright green, were now lifeless. His face was thin and pale. "Adeline, I know that I screwed up and I shouldn't have had sex with Blair."

"Harry, that was almost 3 years ago," I say pretending it still didn't hurt.

"Adeline, I may have changed but you sure as hell haven't and I know when you're hiding your pain."

"Alright, so what if I am hurt Harry? I have a good reason."

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to say that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I cheated, I'm sorry I hurt you," he says on the verge of tears.

"Harry," I say.

"I threw away everything, I saw you out there with a big smile. Smiling with that blonde. You have as much passion as you did in high school. I had that too, remember? Remember when you would tell me that I could be a singer? You told me that I could if I wanted to. And I did want to. I threw all that away for Blair. And now, she's using me. She's using me for the sex and the drugs. The worst part is that I know it and I am still throwing my life away," he finally breaks down.

"You need to get away from her," I say while my own eyes start to water.

"I can't," he closes his eyes. "I have no where to go."

"You can stay with me tonight," I instantly regret saying what I say.

"Thank you, so much," he sighs.

We drove home in pure silence. Not a single word spoken, not a cough released, not even a song playing on the radio.

We finally got to my complex. Nevously I open my apparent door. Hannah was home, I knew because A) the door was unlocked and B) it smelled like rice.

"Hey Adeline how was practi...." She stops her self and stares wide eyed at the tall broad figure standing behind me. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Hannah! Be nice," I snap.

"Can I talk to you in the kitchen?" She pulls my arm.

"What the hell Adeline?" She asks.

"I know I know but he needs a place to stay, just for tonight," I say furrowing my brows and moving past her to end the discussion.

She huffs and pushes past Harry, in a not so subtle way of saying she's mad. She goes to her room and slams the door.

"She mad?" Harry asks.

"Yeah a little, you know our group, you were apart of it. We all protect each other. Hannah being the most protective," I say grabbing a blanket for Harry.

"Great, can't wait to see Kate. Hannah may have been the most protective but Kate was the most aggressive," He says sarcastically.

"I think you're thinking of Amber, Kate was the passive one," I smile to myself, that trait of her I always loved. It was always useful.

"Where are they anyways?" Harry asks.

"Kate and Tyler are across the hall, and Amber is in Paris, but she's visiting next week," I say.

"Oh, thanks for the blanket," he says awkwardly.

"Sure," I say as I walk to my room. I grab a pair of shorts and a tank top and jump in the shower.

After my shower, I get into my bed and check my phone. A message from Serena.

Serena: Hai, oh god why did I do that I won't ever do that again I promise, Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to go get lunch tomorrow with me?

Me: XD sure sounds good, how about 12:30 at I drive us out to my fav Fast food place?!?! They have amazing milkshakes and burgers!

Serena: yas! :D can't wait.

Me: don't do that face it's so annoying...the eyes are off.

Serena: :D

I laugh and turn off my phone before going to bed.

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