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"SITTING IN THE HALL OF FAME," What the heck? I heard Tyler's voice in my living room. I quickly put on my soccer clothes and walked out into the Hall.


"I'm singing, and making a mean omelette," he says casually.

"Tyler, You have to leave. I have try outs and Hannah is having Luke over," I sigh and look down.

"But Kate's not home..." he says with a fallen facial expression.

"Tyler...Go home."

"Okay but you're missing out on a mean omelette," he shuts the door.

I go into the bathroom and put my hair up in a high ponytail and quickly get my flip flops on. I go and grab my keys from the hanger and shut the door. I get into my car and turn on the radio.

"Okay next up, from Ed Sheeran, Thinking out loud!" The radio announcer says very happily.

My face falls. This was me and Harry's song. I quickly turn the radio off and I sit in my car, with my own thoughts. The red light switches to green and I press on the gas pedal.

I reach the stadium and put on my cleats. I walk in and follow the signs (5sos_r3ject ;) ) for tryouts. I look around at the stadium. All of my dreams, finally here.

"Okay, girls, only a certain number of you are gonna make through these. You have been selected by your high schools to try out so you are very lucky," I lady with a mean scowl says.

I look around at the other girls. Many of them were big and muscular, a few were tiny. I just need to play my best, that's all I can do.

"So, first, we're gonna put you in positions to see if you can play," she says.

She goes through the other girls and finally gets to me. My heart pounds. "Defense," thank God! I played defense all 4 years of high school, only once was I put on offense.

I get into my position on the field and the adrenaline rushes through me. The whistle blows and I focus on the ball. A tall, lean, girl comes my way dribbling the ball between her feet. I sprint towards her and block her way from the goal. I quickly grab the ball from her feet and pass to another girl on my team. She runs it to a mid fielder and the mid fielder shoots and barely scores past a goalie.

Another middle comes in front of me. Her teammate passes too her. I dive and kick the ball. One of the middles on my team takes it and scores.

"Alright," the coach says. "We have decided who is going to play for Stanford women's team!"

"Aria Anderson, Emily St.Claire, Spencer Young, and Adeline Monroe," I smile so wide I think that my smile would fall off. Me and the other girls all jump up and we all hug.

I go to my car and play my playlist that Kate gave me for my birthday. Turn up the music played and I sang along passionately.

I as I pull into the garage, I see Kate with Tyler. I run and hug her tightly.
"Woah, what happened to you?"

"I'm playing for STANFORD!" I scream.

"Oh my gosh! Congrats!" She says and I run past and go to my door and quickly try to open it while still shaking from excitement.

I finally open the door and the sight startles me a bit. Luke and Hannah, making out.

"I GOT IN," I screamed and startled them,

"OH MY GOD," They both jump up and hug me.

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