A Change In Persepctive

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•Harry's POV•

"Hold me down, Hold me down!" I sang at the top of my lungs, laughing.

"Harry! You're crazy, you know that?" My new found friend, Kylie, said.

"How so?" I say, leaning close to her.

"You just met me, and now you're at my place, snorting cocaine with me," she smiles, kissing my mouth.

"What was that for?" I smile lazily.

"You had some white stuff on your lips," she says.

I snort another line, using the dollar bill I stole from Adeline. My heart pumps and I start laughing at the tickling feeling from inside my stomach. "I love this so much, it feels like a roller coaster!"

"Totally," Kylie says, taking a line.

I wake up outside the 7/11 that was two blocks from Adeline's. I try to focus on what happened last night. All I could remember was taking a walk, meeting a girl, then following her to her house. I reach in my pocket and feel a bill. I reach out and see it has white powder on it. No. It can't be. This can't be real.

I lean against the wall of the 7/11, the night was still. Or was it night? I honestly didn't know. I checked my phone and saw it was 3:30 a.m. I also saw I had 5 missed calls from Adeline and 3 messages asking where I was.

I Stare out into the night and feel tears on my cheek. How could I have done this? What am I going to do?

I get up and start to walk towards Adeline's. My thoughts overflow my brain. Scared of what Adeline was going to say. Scared of not having a home anymore. What if she kicked me out?

"Tyler! Stop!" I hear a familiar voice laugh.

"No!" I hear another familiar voice say, a more masculine voice.

I see Kate and Tyler walking their dog. Tyler was tickling Kate. Kate's blonde hair swayed and her small figured turned around to hug the muscular man.

"Harry?" I see her mouth. She said it so low I couldn't hear.

Tyler turns around and his mouth was agape. I smiled weakly and waved.

Kate starts walking over to me and my heart races. "Hi Kate," I say.

"Harry, what the hell are you doing here? Why are you out so late?" She questions, her blue eyes stare me down.

"I could ask the same," I say dodging the question.

"Well I didn't drop out of high school and sleep with a pot head," she says coldly. "So my question is more valid."

"I...I'm taking a walk," I say.

"Whatever, just stay away from Adeline, in fact just stay away from all of us," she scowls.

"Oh so she didn't tell you," I say, my inner sass coming out.

"Tell me what..." Kate pauses.

"She told me I could stay with her," I smile.

She looks at me and walks away, Tyler follows. I decided to take the long way home (*cough cough*) I finally reach the appartments and see a crying Adeline. Her brown, puffy eyes look up at me.

I open my mouth only to close it again. She just gets up and runs to hug me.
I hug her back and a tear falls.

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