First day

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*beep beep beep* My alarm goes off at 7:30 am. I reach over and turn it off. Hannah and I had settled into our new apartment. Kate had moved into an apartment right across the hall with Tyler. As for Amber, she had got accepted into the University of Paris and so she was probably sitting down with some French guy eating a baguette.

We have been here for a week and out of all of us, I'm to only one to unpack and set up our apartment. Kate's apartment had boxes everywhere, and Hannah had only take out her books and blankets.

I got up and looked into my closet to find something to wear for the day. *picture above or to the right*

I grabbed my PINK® duffle bag and put in my Cleats, shin-guards, socks, a pair of shorts, a tank top, and my sports bra. After packing it I put it on my bed so it would be ready for tonight's tryouts

I head out the door and started walking to school. We lived 2 minutes away from the main building. I was studying to become a lawyer, Hannah was studying to be a doctor and Kate was trying to figure out what she wanted to do so she was going to take many classes.

I walked into the main building to go ask for directions to the law building. "Excuse me, do you know where the law building is?" I ask a lady at main desk.

"Sure do! Next street over!" The kind lady said.

"Thank you!" I say and start walking to class.

I found my classroom and looked around. It wasn't very big. I chose a seat and set down my bag next to me and got out my laptop.

"This seat taken?" A guy asks me. I look up and see a very attractive young man. He was wearing a red flannel and a white shirt with black skinny jeans and black vans. He had his hair in a quiff, and a crooked smile.

"No,no here sit," I stutter out.

"Thanks, what's your name?" He asks.

"Adeline, you?" I smile.

"Kevin," he holds out his hand for me to shake and I kindly obliged.

We went through the class, the professor going on about what this class would be about. Kevin's scent was intoxicating. It wasn't overpowering like the guys in high school. It was subtle, yet musky and manly.

"Alright it was very nice to meet you all, I hope to get to know you all better." the professor signals the class to leave.

"So, you going to get some lunch?" Kevin asks.

"Oh yeah, my friend and I are going to a restaurants," I say pushing in my chair and pack up my laptop.

"Well, it was nice meet you, Adeline," he says as he smiles and let's me by,

"You too," I say on the other side of him. "I'll see you around?"

"Definitely," he says.

I smile and walk away. I walk outside and head to the main doors to walk home. The entire way home all I could think about was Kevin.

I get to our apartment and drop of my bag and just grab my wallet before going across the hall to Kate. I knock and she opens. "Hey! Just let me grab my keys,"

"Okay," I say and look down at my phone and see a message from Luke. I open it and read it.

Luke: Hey Adeline, did you move into your new place? Was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime tonight?

Me: Yeah we did, actually I have tryouts tonight, but Hannah needs help unpacking if you want to help her tonight?

Luke: oh uh sure, just me and her?

Me: yesssss, have fun ;)

"Alright, I'm ready!" Kate says closing her door and locking it.

"So, how was your First day of school," I ask her.

"Adeline... I haven't gone yet, it's still morning for me," she laughs and presses the button for

"Oh yeah I forgot," I laugh too as I open the doors to the garage

We go to lunch and we laugh, talk, and make weird noises. Kate and I drove back and we played our song. When we got back to the apartments. I open my door and see Hannah on the couch on her phone.

"ADELINE," She screams.

"WHAT," I scream back.

"He's coming over," she sighs happily.

"Oh my gosh, well You should go shower..." I say hoping she'll get off the couch so I can play x-box.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE RIGHT," she squeals as she runs to the bathroom.

I laugh and grab the controller and put in Halo. After about 30 min later Hannah comes out in an oversized sweater and some black leggings. She was wearing her hair in a messy bun.

"Very cute," I say. "I have to get ready for try outs, have fun tonight."

"I willlll," Hannah sing-songed.

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