One Last Time

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"Adeline, no, we already discussed this!" Hannah laughs.

"I think it's a good idea," Kate chips in.

"Bacon flavored brownies is not a good idea, how would that even work?" Amber says from the back seat of Kate's pick up truck.

I laugh and plug in my phone to play my playlist. 'Help Our Souls' by Nihils came on and Hannah jerked her head towards me from the front seat.

I looked out the window and saw the scenery I knew all too well. The drive to Tyler's cabin was breath taking. It was green and farmland with a gorgeous sunset and very little disturbance. We all loved it out here.

We saw all the cars parked outside of the cabin and parked ours close by. Kate runs to Tyler and hugs him . I jump out and head to the trunk and grab some of our bags. "Here let me help you," A male voice says. It was Tiger, Kate's brother's fine as hell best friend.

"Hey Tiger," I say trying to act cool.

"Hey cutie," he says smirking.

"I...uh...i like pie too," I mentally smack myself, with a knife.

"..." He stares blankly at me.

"I'm just gonna grab my bag now," I say turning away so he couldn't see the embarrassment on my cheeks.

I saw my PINK® Duffle bag and throw it over my shoulder and head to our trailer.

Tyler's cabin was a small one room space with two couches, only one good for sleeping on, a pull out bed that could fit two people, and then there was our trailer. That's where we would all stay. Me, Hannah, Kate, Tyler, and Amber. It was quite small but had a lot of bed space.

After dropping off my bag I go to the cabin and hear the music of someone's phone. They were playing 'She knows' by juicy J.

"Adeline, can you come help me with my tent?" Luke asks me.

I laugh, "I can try."

I grab a part of the tent and hold it up not knowing what to do with it. I just put it down and wait for instruction. After much struggle, it was time to put the rain cover on. My time to shine. On dance comite I was incharge of tape!

"Finished!" I laugh.

"Adeline," Luke stares disappointed.


"This isn't right," he laughs.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go grab a soda, want one?" I ask.

"Sure, Coke please?"

I walk into the cabin and look for the bottles of coke. I found them on the table and grab two. Just as I was about to leave the cabin, a sight makes me stop and stare. Just outside, by the fire pit, was Blair and Harry, making out.

"Tyler!" I whisper and gesture him over, "What are they doing here?"

"Why are you whispering?" He ask.

"I...i don't know," I say.

"I think Kate's brother invited Blair and she brought him," He says grabbing a soda.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, Blair is a huge slut and druggie," I huff. As long as it had been since that party, I was still not over Harry.

"Yeah and you know Kate's brother. Im pretty sure he would chose weed over money any day," he laughs.

I got back to Luke, handed him a coke, and walked away into our trailer. I changed into my soccer shorts and put on a thin sweatshirt. I went to the fire pit and saw Hannah sitting across from Luke and staring at him. They have liked each other since 8th grade but never admitted it to each other.

Soon everyone gathered around. There was around 15 people. It was a small party.

"EMBARRASSING STORY TIME," My friend Erin says.

I smirk and think of all the embarrassing story's I have on Erin.
"Okay me first, One time while we were at the mall, Erin reaches into her purse, and pulls out a taco,"

"Adeline you're leaving out one part, we BOTH fought over it," Everyone laughs.

"Oh I have one on Adeline," Kate starts, "When we were in 7th grade, Adeline saw a guy from our school and tripped OVER a wet floor sign in front of him and couldn't figure out how to fix it. So she sat on the floor and was asking for help,"

"Oh how about that time we were at The pool and some guy pulled Hannah's legs and she would not face them cause she had screamed so loud," Tyler laughs, while Hannah was turning bright red.

The night continued with laughs. Until I had saw a puff of smoke, I didn't notice Harry wasn't there. I looked at him and Blair at the top of a small hill sharing a blunt.

"Adeline," Amber shakes me and looks at me sympathetically.

"Sorry," I smile to hide my pain.

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