♡ one

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The platform was roaring with excited first years, many were even pestering their parents to stop embarrassing them

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The platform was roaring with excited first years, many were even pestering their parents to stop embarrassing them. September first was a day full of pure bliss, it was quite honestly Genevieve's favourite time of year. The thought of being back at Hogwarts made the sixteen year old girl squeal in excitement as she pushed her trolly through the platform.

Hogwarts was Genevieve's favourite place, obviously not including her small cottage that sat amongst the meadow. Genevieve was thankful for this life, she had never felt so blessed to be living a life many young girls read in fantasies.

"Remember to write." Aurelia McKinley reminded her daughter as she came to a sudden halt.

"Of course ma, I mustn't forget."

Aurelia smiled fondly at her daughter, taking a step towards Genevieve and adjusting her robes. "I love you, stay safe."

"You know I will." Genevieve replied, pulling her mother into a tight hug. "Look after yourself ma, I love you."

Genevieve said one final goodbye to her mother before departing for the train. Once she had entered the train her legs carried her to a certain compartment it did every year.

Genevieve stopped outside the compartment before looking around making sure her coast was clear. Once confirmed it was safe, she stepped inside quickly shutting the blinds.

"Hello Regulus." Genevieve said softly, taking the empty seat across from him. "Good summer?"

"It was.. reasonable."

Genevieve sent him a comforting smile, her smile alone was enough to make the boys swoon. Everyone could admit how gorgeous the girl was, her neatly straightened hair was always pulled up into a bun which always looked best on her. Her forest green eyes always held so much light.

Regulus Black was one of many who was taken back by her beauty. It wasn't just her looks that made Genevieve McKinley beautiful, it was her personality too.

"Mother yelled at Sirius, spouse' I'm used to it by now." Regulus said, sitting up in his seat.

"You shouldn't have to be."

"Sirius is a brat." Regulus smirked as he brushed the dirt off his robes. "He's ought to be punished some way."

Genevieve just shook her head before standing up and grabbing her trunk. Once she retrieved her things she took one final glance at Regulus. "Stay out of trouble, especially when it comes to that stupid house rivalry."

"I have no idea what you're talking about mon amour."

With one final eye roll, Genevieve opened the blinds of the compartment and slid out the door. She was now on a mission to find the Widdow twins.

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