♡ nine

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Genevieve's first heartbreak wasn't a boy, it was her best friend. Her very own best friend that she would've took the killing curse for, Merlin she would've done anything for Sidney. It hurt knowing Sidney didn't believe her, what hurt the most is that Sidney was willing to expose her secrets before even asking Genevieve if it were her who had told everyone.

Before even waiting for the truth or an explanation, Sidney assumed and by all means she didn't blame Sidney for being mad at first because she would've done the same. But for Sidney to say those nasty things and not hear Genevieve out really made her heart break.

Genevieve sat in an empty corridor letting her emotions get the best of her, one tear turned to many more as she found herself with her knees to her chest. She liked to believe she was a strong person but right now she definitely believed she were weak. Genevieve never allowed herself to cry very often, she felt as though she didn't deserve too, that there were far worse things than this.

"Cigarette?" A voice asked, sitting down beside her.

Genevieve looked to her left, there sat Remus Lupin looking incredibly pale. Genevieve shook her head slowly before adverting her gaze back toward the floor, a few more stray tears falling before her feet. Genevieve quickly wiped her eyes feeling ashamed she was crying.

"It's okay to cry, Gen." He told her, cigarette between his teeth. Watching the girl sadly as her shoulders shook with every deep breath she took. "Tears are not a sign of weakness, they're signs you've been strong for too long. It's okay to cry sweetheart."

Genevieve let out the sob she had been holding back for far too long, her throat felt raw with every noise that left the crying girl. Remus pulled the girl into his side, letting her cry for what seemed like hours. He didn't dare utter a word, he let Genevieve let out everything she had been holding in.

"They all fucking hate me, they didn't believe me. Remus I would never do that to somebody, I'd never hurt her." Genevieve cried into the crook of Remus' neck.

"You don't have to explain yourself Genevieve, I believe you." Remus said softly,

"And so do we." Came the voice of Lily Evans as she stepped into view with Edmund Widdow. "We know you wouldn't do such a thing."

Genevieve forced a smile onto her face as she saw her two friends sit down beside her. But it didn't stop the heavy feeling on her heart as it still tore into tiny pieces. Lily brought Genevieve into a comfortable hug, that's what Lily did best, made people comfortable, it was no wonder James liked her. She was absolutely perfect, Genevieve has never met anyone so beyond amazing.

"Gen, Edmund and I wanted to share something with you. We were going to come too you before everything happened with Sidney. Do you want us to still share darling?" Lily asked politely.

"Of course Lils, I need happy news." Genevieve replied. "Wait, it is happy right?"

Lily glanced at Edmund before locking eyes with Genevieve, "Edmund and I are dating, we have been for awhile."

Genevieve's heart dropped, not for herself but for James. He was starting to believe that Lily was beginning to look at him in a new light, oh how he was wrong. Remus widened his eyes and they instantly met Genevieve, he then stood up and excused himself before sprinting towards the Gryffindor tower. Oh how this was going to break the poor Potter's heart. Nevertheless she was extremely happy for her two best friends.

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