♡ eleven

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It was time for another Hogwarts party, but this time it was Halloween. Halloween was the one night of year where every one can dress as whom they wish without zero fear. It was a day for everyone to come together and show off their best costumes. It was also another excuse for Sirius Black to sneak firewhisky into the school.

Genevieve was tying the strings of her corset, Evan had really outdone himself with choosing the perfect costume that showed her every curve. She wasn't one to dress up for a guy, but Evan insisted her to do so. So here she was in her dorm, dressed in a corset and a tight skirt.

"You look hot." Marlene piped up, as she was pulling on her costume.

"Thanks Marls." Genevieve replied, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Marls, do you-"

Marlene shook her head, "It was Rita Skeeter, I tried to tell Sidney but she insisted it was you."

"How do you know it was Skeeter?" Genevieve asked, turning to face Marlene.

"Potter overheard her, he's been trying his best to make sure people know it wasn't you who shared it."


"Yes the famous James Potter, he'll lose his mind when he sees you. S'pose everyone will, you look amazing."

Genevieve couldn't help the blush that started, a smile planting at her lips. It soon faded when she realised James would never see her the way he does Lily. Lily was everything a guy wanted, Genevieve wasn't; she believed she was too outgoing and loud. Marlene noticed the change in Genevieve's mood, it wasn't hard to miss because the blonde was now frowning.

"Shall we pin your hair?" Marlene asked, pulling a chair out for Genevieve to sit in. "Let's do something exciting, I can use a spell to grow your hair like rapunzel!"

"I'd love that Marls."

The pair enjoyed their time together getting ready for the party, Genevieve missed being in the presence of her closest friends. Marlene was happily braiding Genevieve's hair while Genevieve finished up her makeup for the night. Genevieve had never felt so beautiful, she had to check the mirror twice to see if it was actually herself staring back.

"Merlin, you are a stunning Rapunzel." Lily squealed as she stepped into the dormitory, her red hair was perfectly pinned up, and soft makeup settled on her face.

"Thank you Lils, you make a ravishing Belle." Genevieve complimented, sending the auburn girl a playful wink.

Marlene nodded in agreement, applying the final little bits of makeup to complete her look. Marlene was dressed as a pirate, Sidney too would be matching with Marlene however she was getting ready in another dorm to avoid Genevieve. Genevieve missed her, she missed her terribly. But tonight wasn't a night to cry tears of self pity, she was going to have fun regardless.

Genevieve exited the dorm and made her way through the portrait with Lily, Marlene and Edmund following in tow, towards the room of requirement. Edmund had dressed up as the beast to match Lily, which was rather adorable to Genevieve. Marlene couldn't help but fake gag at the sight of the couple, which earned a playful shove from Lily.

"Well if it isn't Rapunzel." A voice said, catching her attention.

"Sirius Black, why the bloody hell are you dressed up as a traffic come."

Peter came into view sporting his matching costume, "We're hazards to society." Sirius replied.

"Ah, that makes sense." Genevieve agreed, a small amused smile plastered on her lips. "How are you Pete?"

"Alright thanks, are you doing well?" Peter asked Genevieve.

Genevieve shrugged, "Spose' so, guess it's as good as it gets."

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘵 ╰┈➤ j.pWhere stories live. Discover now