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Hangovers were just your body reminding you that you're an idiot

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Hangovers were just your body reminding you that you're an idiot. Genevieve never intended to drink so much, but she could not help but wipe the smile off her face when she remembered James helping her sober up. She looked down to her dresser upon noticing a note that lied still.


as much as i enjoyed watching you make a fool of yourself in your attempts to sober up, here's some paracetamol and a couple of sweets to help that nasty hangover, don't worry they aren't laced.

always, j.p.

Genevieve snorted at the note, they bloody better not be laced. Genevieve popped the paracetamol in her mouth before taking a sip of her water. Genevieve began to get ready for the weekend, she threw on a pair of stockings, a plaid skirt and a black sweater. She honestly didn't know what she wanted to do today but she'd figure it out after breakfast.

Genevieve strolled her way down to breakfast, before she even reached the doors of the Great Hall she was stopped by a familiar voice, she instantly cringed.

"Gorgeous as always McKinley." Lucius Malfoy called out, he was walking towards her.

"Crying for daddy always, hey Malfoy?" Genevieve shot at him, she was fed up with his cat calling.

Lucius scoffed, he stopped directly in-front of her, "Don't be like that darling."

Genevieve was going to say something but she stopped when she noticed two other familiar faces that joined Lucius. Regulus and Severus stopped before her. Her face turned into a scowl.

"Awe, your lapdogs are here Malfoy,"

"I'd watch what you say McKinley." Severus spat, he had his wand drawn and was ready to step in.

Genevieve laughed, she turned to look at Severus with a smirk, "Oh you scare me Snape, I'm pissing my pants as we speak you greasy fuck."

Severus had cursed the girl faster than she could react. Genevieve was sent flying into the wall behind her, her back hit the wall with a smack. Regulus wanted to do something he really did but he knew he couldn't, he just stood still his mouth agape as he watched the painful tears stream down her face.

Sirius and James were passing just as it happened, they'd never ran so fast when they saw Genevieve fly across the room, their faces winced as they heard some of her bones crack. James was the first to reach her, holding her up as he tried to keep her awake. Sirius was livid, he was livid at the fact they cursed a defenceless person, that person being his gossip partner.

"Are you fucking insane?" Sirius yelled at the three, his fist clenched.

Severus shrugged, keeping his wand in his hand, "Nothing she didn't deserve."

James got up from his spot beside Genevieve, wand in hand as he approached them. "Regulus, you can leave."

Regulus did so, but not before casting a click glance at Genevieve. Once Regulus was gone James turned to Lucius and Severus, wand in hand.

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘵 ╰┈➤ j.pWhere stories live. Discover now