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Detention was quite honestly the worse thing Genevieve had to experience

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Detention was quite honestly the worse thing Genevieve had to experience. With all offence, she absolutely despised the group of marauders. She obviously got along with Peter and Remus, but sometimes they got rather annoying when joined to the hip with the other two idiots.

Genevieve was scrubbing a trophy, a scowl was etched upon her lips. She couldn't be bothered doing anymore so she sat the trophy down, her back leaned against the wall. James looked over at the girl, his eyebrow raised.

"Given up already McKinley?" James questioned, a smirk etching it's way onto his face.

Genevieve rolled her eyes at the boy, "I'm actually quite bored."

"Well that's the point of detention." Remus Lupin piped up, he was hunched over a trophy to the left of James.

Genevieve couldn't help but scoff, these marauders were so annoying at times. They quite honestly made her blood boil. Remus was sassy and sarcastic, Sirius had a personality of his own, Peter was quiet but contributed. James Potter... James Potter was quite literally the most annoying person to ever walk these halls.

"Oi Pads, you got numbers for the party?" James asked, Genevieve snorted at the nickname.

Sirius pulled out a piece of crumbled paper from his back pocket, dangling it in James' face, "Sure do Prongs, so far eighty two people have responded to our invite."

"Ahhh, so it's invite only is it menstrual pad? Genevieve responded, eyeing Sirius.

"Yeah, your not invited anymore. Don't call me that."

Genevieve snorted, he was surely taking the piss. "Can't kick me out my own common room."

"Yeah? Try me." Sirius replied, glaring at her.

Genevieve's head tilted back as she laughed, her eyes bright and filled with warmth, "You're just the cutest. You underestimate me Sirius Black."

"Hate to break this up, but Flitwick is on his way." Peter piped up, he was sat over in the corner.

Genevieve quickly picked up the trophy in front of her and started aggressively scrubbing. She was no way landing another detention with these four, it was a nightmare. James couldn't help but grin at her reaction, of course Remus noticed this, he was a very observant person.

"You've been rather intrigued with her." Remus whispered, motioning over to where Genevieve sat beside Sirius, the two bickering.

James looked up at Remus, "Intrigued? Yeah by how annoying she is."

Remus shook his head, a slight amused smile displayed on his lips. Ever since Genevieve came along he had noticed James barley took notice in Lily. James would still make the occasional ' marry me Lily' joke but not as often.

"Fucking Merlin's beard, Black." Genevieve yelled, she was clearly taken back by whatever Sirius had said. James couldn't help but frown, despite all their bickering he could tell they enjoyed each others company.

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