♡ ten

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It had been a week since the worse day of Genevieve's life, since then she had rarely been seen. People have caught a glimpse of her every so often but only for a short while. Genevieve was skipping classes and it was starting worry the marauders, Lily and Edmund. She was rarely in the dorms of a night, James knew this because he had been watching her on the map every night.

Genevieve was sat under a willow tree parchment in her hand as she wrote to her mother. She couldn't stop the tears that were pooling in her eyes with every word she had wrote. Genevieve was an amazing liar.


I'm sorry i never wrote sooner, school is going perfectly fine and friendships are thriving more than ever. don't worry mama, I'm the happiest I've ever been!

I've made some new friends mama, they're a group of boys. I think you'd really like them, especially Remus, he reminds me so much of you. You'll have to meet them soon, tell auntie and uncle i say hello and that I miss you all so terribly.

stay happy mama,

loving you always,
your vivi.

"Well don't you look alive." A voice said, startling the girl.

Genevieve wiped her eyes and put a slight scowl on her face as she knew the voice all too well. "What are you doing here?" She huffed, tucking the letter into her pocket.

"Escaping reality, isn't that why we used to come here?" The boy said, sitting down next to her. "Why are you crying?"

"It's none of your business Black." Genevieve hissed, avoiding any eye contact with him. "Did you completely forget the words that came out your mouth last month?"

Regulus should've known she'd bring this up, "It was only to keep you safe, my mother is a terrible person Genevieve. If she found out I was hanging around with you, it wouldn't have ended well for the both of us."

"But I'm a pureblood." She whispered, looking down as she picked the grass beneath her.

"That doesn't stop somebody as cruel as her Genevieve, your family are blood-traitors."

"DO YOU HAVE ROOM FOR ONE MORE?" Evan Rosier yelled at them, making his way down the slopes.

Regulus cursed under his breath, but nevertheless gave Evan a nod, "Of course Evan."

"Genevieve, why aren't you with Potter and the rest of one direction?" Evan asked, taking a seat beside Genevieve so she was squashed in the middle. Genevieve let out a slight snort at the joke.

"I don't know what you see in Potter, he's like chewing gum stuck to your shoe."Regulus huffed, running a hand through his messy hair.

Genevieve rolled her eyes, "It doesn't matter, something happened and we're not on speaking terms."

"He's been trying to get your attention for a week." Evan pointed out, causing Genevieve to blush slightly.

It was true, James had been following Genevieve around like a helpless puppy. She chose not to acknowledge this, give him another week and he'll be back to pinning after Lily. She didn't know why she was so upset, she should've been disgusted about their near kiss experience. But then something clicked in the back of her mind, making her freeze.



She fancied James Potter.

She felt like she was going to vomit. She knew it was pathetic, fancying someone you've only tolerated a month. But maybe all their bicker beforehand meant something more to her. She had realised the only reason why she bickered with James, was to keep the unwanted feeling of longing towards him as far down as possible.

"You're looking a little pale, ma luciole." Regulus said, reaching over to touch her forehead to see if she was burning up.

"I fucking fancy James Potter."

"Have you hit your head?" Evan asked, but then noticed the look on her face. "Oh.. you're actually not joking."

Regulus snorted at Evan, however he shrunk back when Genevieve gave him a nasty glare. "M'sorry."

"I know!" Evan exclaimed, jumping up from his spot, "We're going to make Genevieve look fucking hot for tomorrow's Halloween party of course!"

"And how will we do that?" Genevieve asked, arching an eyebrow at the boy.

Evan extended his hand which Genevieve gladly took with a grin, "We're going to find you the hottest costume."

"Can't we match? We can match and I can still be hot."

"No way, I'm not even going." Regulus protested, backing away from the pair.

"Don't listen to the old man Gen, Group costume!" Evan agreed, making his way towards the path to Hogsmeade, "Well hurry up! We have costumes to buy!"


Genevieve walked up the path towards Hogwarts, box in hand and a ghost of a smile tugged at her lips. Their costume was definitely unique, much to Regulus' dismay, they'll definitely stand out tomorrow night. Regulus was kicking the rocks in front of him practically having a temper tantrum while Evan was struggling holding both boxes.

"We're going to look atrocious. My reputation will be going down the slopes after tomorrow evening." He huffed, stopping in his tracks as he turned to face them.

"Don't be ridiculous Regulus, if anything your reputation will be just fine mate." Evan said, rolling his eyes at the boys dramatics.

Genevieve frowned teasingly at Regulus, leaning over to fix his hair as they sat down in the transfiguration courtyard. "We're going to look absolutely amazing. It's Halloween Reg, live a little!"

"I'm not dressing up as a muggle prince Genevieve! It's ridiculous, you know my parents will not except that, my house mates will be there."

"Who said it has to be muggle? You could be a royal wizard?" Genevieve smirked, flatting his hair down.

Evan nodded in agreement, taking a large bite out of his pastry. "I agree." He said, his mouth full of food.

"Close your mouth whilst eating Evan, you're not a child." Genevieve told off, shaking her head.

"Yeah Evan, close your mouth." Regulus mocked, smirking at the boy.

Genevieve slapped the boy up the side of the head in a joking matter.

"Ow- Merlin sorry."


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hey pookies, I'm trying my best to be more active for you all 😚

i just recently got offered a spot in a Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing) AND IM SO EXCITED AHHH

anyways my time off was so much fun, like seriously. i met Archie Renaux and also got a personalised video from FREDDY FUCKING CARTER

many of you know I love Freddy so so so so much and he's literally casted as our Edmund in this VERY STORY


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