♡ six

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Halloween was coming quicker than she had expected, with only a week until the holiday, the marauders were in full swing planning their famous Halloween party

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Halloween was coming quicker than she had expected, with only a week until the holiday, the marauders were in full swing planning their famous Halloween party. Genevieve couldn't lie, she was excited for this party, hopefully nothing turns around on her like it did last time. This party she was going to have a good time, she wasn't going to let anyone ruin her drunken dancing.

She hadn't spoke to Regulus for weeks, her glances towards him soon turned into glares of disgust. She knew moping around for the boy wouldn't do her any good, if he was going to act they had always hated each-other, two can play that game.

Genevieve was sat in the library, book in her hand as she skimmed through the pages. She had a potions assignment that was due the very next day that she had completely forgotten about. She couldn't help but stress over the fact she was going to fail. Regulus was normally there to help her, now he's probably sitting in the Slytherin common room talking about blood supremacy.

It didn't take too long for Genevieve's study session to be disrupted, Sidney came darting into the library, pulling a chair out beside her. Genevieve looked up at the panicked girl, raising an eyebrow as to why she came running in.

"I fancy Marlene." Sidney said quickly.


"She's a girl."

"Really? I didn't notice."

"For merlin sake Genevieve she's a girl!" Sidney whispered yelled.

Genevieve sat her book down turning to look at the girl. "Sidney, if you think I'm going to look at you differently I'm not. I'm happy for you Sid, like so beyond happy for you."

Sidney couldn't help but pull Genevieve into a tight hug, she had been wanting to tell her for awhile, but she was scared of what Genevieve would say. She wasn't scared about who she loved, the only thing that mattered to her was Genevieve's reaction.

"Now that's over and done with, what're you studying?" Sidney asked, peering over her shoulder.

Genevieve held up her potions assignment with a scowl, "Potions that's due tomorrow."

"I know somebody who might be able to help you!"


"Evan Rosier of course!"

Genevieve shook her head multiple times, there was no way she was going to ask Evan Rosier to tutor her. He was a walking headache, never knew when to stop babbling on about something completely unrelated. The worse of all, he was Regulus Blacks best friend, there was no absolute way she'd let that happen.

"You've clearly hit your head."

Sidney scoffed, "He's the second best in our year Gen."

"I'll just ask Lily."

"Lily isn't as advanced as Rosier, Gen."

Genevieve sighed defeatedly, Sidney had a point, it was either ask Rosier to tutor her or face the fact she was going to fail. Genevieve let out a final groan before picking up her books and storming out the library. Why did life always have to come back and bite her on the ass.

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘵 ╰┈➤ j.pWhere stories live. Discover now