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Breakfast was one of Genevieve's favourite meals, purely because it was an excuse to eat as many pancakes as she could

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Breakfast was one of Genevieve's favourite meals, purely because it was an excuse to eat as many pancakes as she could. She'd be lying if she denied that they were her very favourite thing. Lily couldn't help but watch Genevieve scoff down her pancakes, it was rather amusing.

Mary and Marlene both sat down, eyebrows raised as they too watched Genevieve. Marlene couldn't help but laugh, she then slowly pushed the plate away from Genevieve.

"Oi, I was eating that." Genevieve snapped, wiping away the syrup that dripped from her chin.

"You're going to make yourself sick."

"Am not." Genevieve protested, however Marlene was right. Genevieve could feel the pancakes disagreeing with her stomach. "Oh.. I think I'm going to puke."

Marlene snorted, sending Genevieve a quick 'I told you so' smirk. "You ought to listen to me."

"Quidditch tryouts tomorrow morning McKinley." Fabian Prewett called out from his spot many seats down.

Genevieve sent a thumbs up before turning back to her friends. "Potter is captain again, bet he'll pick Black as a beater." Genevieve said, a hint of disgust laced her tone.

"It's ridiculous! Fabian had to play keeper last year, can't Black just be keeper?" Marlene groaned before taking a bite of her toast. "Besides, he isn't even good! Fabian is one of the best beaters we've had, besides me obviously." Marlene finished.

The group nodded in agreement, Marlene was a fairly good beater. She'd run rings around Sirius Black, her swing was incredibly powerful. Marlene's family was powerful when it came to quidditch.

"I believe Gen should watch out, she isn't really one of Potters favourites at the moment." Lily joked, nudging Genevieve.

"James Potter can kiss my arse."

"That's inappropriate McKinley." The voice of James Potter interrupted. He was leant over the table, eyebrows raised.

"Oi fuck off, and stop earwigging." Genevieve snapped, glaring daggers at the boy. "Let's head off to charms girls, maybe I can learn how to use the imperius curse and force Potters head out of his arse."

"I can still hear you."



Once the group arrived in-front of the charms classroom, they all decided to split into groups of two and raid the closest tables to the back. Even if they were in pairs, the group would always manage to make themselves close to each-other.

Genevieve leaned back in her seat, slightly swinging. Sidney smirked at herself before smacking the chair down. Genevieve flew off her chair, her back hitting the floor.

"You bitch." Genevieve squealed, quickly scurrying back up. Sidney and Genevieve have been doing this since second year, it was practically a normal everyday occurrence.

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