♡ seven

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Genevieve skipped into the great hall, her quidditch sweater sat tightly around her body

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Genevieve skipped into the great hall, her quidditch sweater sat tightly around her body. She couldn't help the burst of adrenaline that ran through her veins as she reached the Gryffindor table. The girl was met with smiles from her friends as she sat down beside Remus and Sidney. Today was going to be the day she showed Regulus Black to never disappoint a Gryffindor. She was going to catch that snitch and bring Slytherin down.

"Good morning my lovely Gryffindors." Genevieve chirped, beginning to stuff her plate with food.

"Well aren't you just the chirpiest little thing this morning McKinley." Sirius replied, looking up from his plate.

Genevieve flashed the boy a toothy grin, "My veins are swimming with adrenaline Sirius Black, Slytherin is going down."

James meet the blondes eyes with a small smirk, he was thrilled that Genevieve wasn't backing down from playing seeker. Genevieve sent James a grin before turning her attention back on Sirius.

"If we win, I want treat people with kindness played at the afterparty as I boot scoot to my victory!" Genevieve explained.

Sirius couldn't help but laugh at her, "Oddly specific."

"Potter, please let me do the speech before the match." Genevieve begged, turning to the boy who sat opposite of her.

"Absolutely not." James replied, stabbing the bacon on his plate.

Genevieve groaned, "Please Potter, it'll be the most inspirational speech the team has ever received."

"Only this once." James gave in,

Genevieve squealed in excitement, clapping her hands together with a wide grin, "It's going to be so inspiring, you'll shed a tear!"

"She's probably going to threaten the team." Julian Wood piped up from his end of the table. Genevieve sent the boy an evil smirk.

Julian raised his hands up in surrender, a small grin on his face as he stood up, "See you lot later, excited for the speech." He said, before sending the blonde headed girl a wink as he walked towards the exit of the hall.

"Oh he was so flirting with you." Mary exclaimed from her spot beside Lily, the red haired girl nodded in agreement.

Genevieve shook her head at the girls but couldn't help the blush that reached her cheeks. "You lot are unbelievable. Potter, Marls and you of course Sirius, we best be off."

The quidditch pitch was roaring with excited students, the first match of the year and it was Slytherin VS Gryffindor. The match didn't start for another ten minutes and Genevieve was absolutely nervous to go up against Regulus. One thing she knew for certain was that Regulus Black is an absolute phenomenal seeker.

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