♡ eight

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Waking up in the arms of Julian Wood was something she would quite honestly would never forget. It was worse knowing a majority of Gryffindor watched the pair disappear up the stairs. Julian was a wonderful man, but she had no intentions of staying in this room until he woke up. So throwing her clothes on and twisting the doorknob, Genevieve McKinley did the walk of shame down the hallway of the boys dormitory.

Genevieve winced when she remember the last time she had to experience the walk of shame, it was the day she had lost her virginity to none other than Lucius Malfoy. The pair were both insanely drunk and were completely livid when they woke up next to each-other. This is why the pair were always so aggressive whenever they crossed paths. Of course she was too embarrassed to admit that to anymore, so to this day people still believe Genevieve is a virgin.

"Well look who we have here." Sirius Black taunted, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned on his dormitory door. "Enjoying your walk?"

"You're so not funny."

Sirius let out a barked like laugh before motioning the girl to come into the dormitory. Genevieve looked at him with a raised eyebrow, peeking into the messy dorm.

"Absolutely not."

"Don't flatter yourself McKinley, I'm saving you the embarrassment."

"Embarrassment? It'll be far more embarrassing walking out your dorm than Julian's!"

Sirius scoffed, crossing his arms like he was offended, "You're insanely rude. Now hurry up." He demanded.

Genevieve huffed in annoyance before walking past Sirius and into the dorm room. The other three marauders watched from their spots as the girl took a seat on the messy floor. She was rather curious why she was called into the dorm on a morning like this. Nevertheless she stayed because Sirius practically begged.

"Why in Merlin's name am I here?" Genevieve asked, eyeing the marauders.

Remus sent Genevieve an apologetic look, now she knew she definitely got herself stuck with trouble. "Oh I'm in for some fucking trouble."

"Sidney revealed that Julian Wood would've been your first time." Sirius said wiggling his eyebrows at the girl.

Genevieve's cheeks began to flush, avoiding eye contact with Sirius. However one glance at the flustered girl Sirius knew she was instantly lying.

"Sidney is a filthy liar!" Sirius exclaimed, rushing over to stand in-front of Genevieve, "Who was your first!" He said, pointing a finger at her.

"I'm not telling you, it's private information."


Genevieve scrunched her nose, shaking her head aggressively. "I already told you it wasn't Regulus."

"Who was it?" Sirius whined, tugging at her arm like a child throwing a tantrum.

"It's not any of your business Padfoot!" Remus reminded.

Sirius scowled at the boy, turning back to Genevieve. "Was it a Slytherin?" Sirius asked, desperately wanting to know.

Genevieve looked down at the floor, her cheeks tinting with embarrassment. Sirius smirked to himself, Genevieve was like an open book, she was way to easy to read. However he couldn't help but snort when she had practically admitted to it being a Slytherin.

"Oh please McKinley! You have to tell us now!"

"itwasluciusmalfoy." Genevieve said rather quickly,

Peter began coughing on the chocolate that he was eating, seeing as he was the only one that caught onto what she said. The other three marauders sat around the pair, confused at what was said.

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘵 ╰┈➤ j.pWhere stories live. Discover now