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Quidditch tryouts the next morning were going well

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Quidditch tryouts the next morning were going well. That was until James Potter automatically had Sirius on the list as Beater. Marlene was pissed, she was screaming and cursing at the captain, she was right, it was unfair. Sirius was amazing at being a beater, but Fabian was better. Genevieve had to bite her tongue from saying something to James, but if they lost the cup this year, she was going to burn his dorm to the ground.

Lily, Sidney, Mary and Edmund were in the stands watching their friends. Lily too was spitting out curse words towards James. Genevieve sighed before mounting her broom, with a swift motion she was up in the air throwing the quaffle towards the hoop. It went in with such ease, no one could deny the fact that Genevieve was just as good as James.

"Nice one Gen!" Marlene called out, sending her friend a thumbs up.

Genevieve sent one back, giving her friend a genuine smile, "Thanks Marls, love you."

James watched as Genevieve kept scoring past Fabian, he was impressed with her skill. Fabian was also a great Keeper, that was when he wasn't being paired with Genevieve.

"The team has been selected." James called out, watching as everyone landed safely in-front of him. "Same team as last year."

Marlene huffed before storming off, Genevieve was disappointed that Fabian was yet again keeper, but it is what it is. Everyone had left the pitch except James and Genevieve. James was polishing his broom meanwhile Genevieve was packing away the equipment.

"You did great up there." James interrupted, hands on his hips as he watched her close the storage door.

"Thanks Potter, you wasn't too bad yourself."

James grinned at her, he than leaned up against the wall. "I have a proposition for you."

"Ah, there it is."

"I'll make you co captain if you help me with Evans." James proposed, a smirk etched on his lips.

Genevieve laughed, surely he wasn't serious, oh but he was. "You're so full of yourself."

"Please McKinley, she'll listen to you."

"Potter, I will not do such thing."

James frowned, crossing his hands over his chest. Genevieve could tell he was about to throw a temper tantrum. She was not helping James Potter obsess over her best friend. Lily deserves somebody better, and she quite honestly thought Lily and Edmund would become something.

"You can be co captain and I'll do anything, I'll carry your books to and from class. I'll even carry your broom!"


James grinned from ear to ear, he started off by grabbing her broom and strutting off towards the castle. Genevieve had to speed walk to catch up to him. She couldn't help but laughed at how amusing this was. James Potter was carrying her broom, two days ago she would've told the boy to fuck off.

𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘵 ╰┈➤ j.pWhere stories live. Discover now