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Dinner in the Great Hall of Hogwarts was coming to an end. The students were full. They lazily sipped cold drinks. The older students were discussing the upcoming exams, and the younger ones were discussing their imminent departure home.

Since June 1943 proved to be a very hot month, the Great Hall's ceiling featured a magical, rainy sky that stood in stark contrast to the scorching sun outside the window. The raindrops from the enchanted ceiling did not reach the young wizards, dissolving into the air.

"Enough!" From the Ravenclaw House table came scolding and grumbling. "All you do is whine all the time!"

"Olive, that's enough." The squeaky voice of a girl of about fourteen unpleasantly hurt the rumor.

"I wonder if your Muggle parents are always whining, just like you? Moaning Myrtle! Moaning Myrtle!" laughed Olive Hornby and straightened her dark blue tie, which complemented her ashy hair perfectly in a tight braid.

"Olive!" squeaked the girl, whose eyes were wet.

"Stupid, four-eyed girl! You obviously don't belong in our house. How did you even get in here?!"

Myrtle Warren, unable to endure another attack from her fellow student, burst into tears loudly. She jumped up from her seat and quickly left the Eagle House table.

The hurried footsteps echoed down the hall and up the stairs to the second floor. The tears streaming down her cheeks made it impossible for the girl to see where she was running. And those damn glasses! Why not make fun of Moaning Myrtle? She was given such moniker due to her overly sentimental nature. No matter what the guys told her, she always took it personally. Almost every day brought another outburst of emotions and occasionally irrational tantrums. However, it would pass fairly quickly, and life would go back to normal time after time.

"Moaning Myrtle, of course," she sobbed, opening the first door on the second floor. "That's how they're going to call me from now on."

She let out a howl through her tears, calling herself by her nickname. Wiping her wet cheeks with her palm, the third-year student looked around. It turned out to be an abandoned girls' bathroom. Sobbing hysterically, Myrtle ran into the first bathroom stalls she came across.

After sitting there for what seemed like an entire evening, she finally calmed down. Her eyes were swollen, and her face was puffy. However, that didn't matter as she'd finally calmed down, which meant that everything was okay.

After an hour of tantrums, Myrtle was about to leave the bolthole when the bathroom door creaked loudly. She froze involuntarily, listening to the approaching footsteps. What if that vile Olive had come here to drive the poor girl to tears again? The decision to wait in the weeds was made right away.

The footsteps moved steadily toward the bathroom stalls but suddenly fell silent, apparently somewhere near the sinks. Moaning Myrtle barely breathed, listening intently to every echo. Her acute hearing clung to a quiet, calm voice, followed by the screech of a sliding mechanism. Unclear. Who was it? Myrtle leaned against the door, trying to catch the faintest glimpse of the person's identity. She felt shivers down her spine when she heard a second voice, one that was low, harsh, and disgusting. The quiet voice responded, only this time it was audible and louder. It's a young man! Or rather, two, and they are speaking in some incomprehensible language.

"What the hell are boys doing in the girls' bathroom?" Myrtle was indignant, but only in her head. In fact, she hadn't made a sound at all. "That's all we need! Boys are walking around in the girls' bathrooms! Which, by the way, are not only bathrooms but sometimes a bolthole from obnoxious fellow students, where you can safely hide and cry your eyes out!"

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