Chapter 3: Casus

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For two weeks now, Irene had been gracefully maneuvering among the classrooms, dungeons, and corridors of Hogwarts, studiously avoiding Tom Riddle. The task became more difficult in classes, in the Slytherin common room, and in the Great Hall. Every time she sat down comfortably by the fireplace to read a book, he immediately appeared in the room, accompanied by a silent retinue.

Even though Riddle seemed calm and well-mannered, Irene still began to gasp every time she remembered the terribly unpleasant one-on-one. When she saw a thin, tall figure, she hurried to the farthest corner of the room to a large leather armchair, where it was rather dark, and stayed there, buried in a book, occasionally casting a glance at such a cozy place by the fire. Avery, Lestrange, Malfoy, Grace, and a couple of other guys were quietly discussing something, sometimes laughing. Riddle was mostly silent or reading a book, but when he started talking, absolutely everyone fell silent. Probably, having the status of Prefect of Hogwarts gave such privileges. It had to be admitted that the entire company of these students was as the selection: everyone had merit, awards, perfect grades, important families in the magic society, and pure blood.

As it turned out, every Tuesday and Friday Tom left to patrol the night corridors of the magic castle. Delighted by this discovery, Irene spent those evenings in her favorite place by the fireplace, reading books with rapt attention. Sometimes she stayed up late, even managed to fall asleep, but she always woke up to the crackling of the fireplace and quietly went to the girls' room, remembering perfectly well that Riddle was back in the dungeon by morning.

Fortunately, Katherine noticed – or maybe she just put the facts together – that it was after the two were alone that Irene began her diligent mimicry. Grace always sat with her cold handsome "Kai," but apparently took pity on the new girl and began to sit with her.

"Dumbledore will be here soon," Katherine said as she put her wand on the desk. "I hope I don't throw up." Her gaze slid to the next row, where the Gryffindor students were sitting. Her eyes rolled up defiantly. "Daring, nerve, and chivalry. I'll say this, Irene: Bravado, half-wits, and recklessness have never helped anyone in this life. Ugh." Katherine's flawless face twisted in a grimace of disgust, and Irene laughed loudly, reaching for a black wand.

"Katherine, but we can twist them round little finger, can't we?"

"When there's a Transfiguration professor walking around Hogwarts giving them points for every breath and fart, it doesn't really work out."


"Really. I'm not lying!" The blue eyes were filled with surprise.

"It's disgusting," Irene nodded and threw her tight braids back.

"That's what I mean." Katherine waved her hand gracefully, showing her deep displeasure, but even her indignation looked subtle and beautiful.

"You know..." There was a twinkle in Irene's emerald eyes, and a sly grin appeared on her pale face. 'Let's check it out."

"Abraxas!" Katherine's quiet sigh caused Irene to turn back.

A pair of tall young men walked slowly between the rows. Malfoy looked haughty and cold, while Riddle was silent and calm, but his calmness had a kind of pressure, which Irene may have made up for herself, looking at the prefect exclusively through the prism of their first meeting in the locked classroom. But the fact was that most of the students went silent at the sight of them and buried themselves in their parchments and textbooks.

"Katherine, why did you start sitting with me? You said yourself you always sat with Abraxas," Irene asked.

"Irene," Katherine sighed heavily and looked straight into her eyes. "The only available seat was with Tom."

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