Chapter 10. Disclosure

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The weather in France was not at all wintry. It was forty-four during the day and thirty-nine at night. If snow fell, it melted before the eyes, turning into mud and puddles.

Adrian tried on a strict suit, preparing for dinner at his aunt's house, where his parents had let him go. Unfortunately, they couldn't go themselves, as there was a private auction planned for the evening, where they could, according to tradition, snatch rare dark artifacts. The Malfoys were more than a hundred percent guaranteed to be there as well.

Young Rosier was so tired of studying at Hogwarts, and then this crazy mess with the fire and the missing representative from the Ministry of Magic on Christmas Eve, that he just wanted to spend a quiet Christmas evening in pleasant company.

He could have used the fireplace and the floo powder, but the desire to walk had taken over. A few swings of his wand, so that the Muggles around him would see the most ordinary, unremarkable clothes instead of a suit, and Adrian headed for the area where his aunt currently lived. Drowning in his thoughts, he didn't notice how he found himself in the Place des Vosges, teeming with Muggles. Noise, uproar, laughter. A slight panic and disgust. There were too many of them! After all, a pureblood wizard wasn't used to this sort of thing, and then there was the carnival noise.

The acrid smell of smoke hit his nose. Looking around, Adrian realized that one of the tents was on fire. Some of the crowd that had picked up him was fleeing the square in a panic. Not wanting to be in the herd of stinking Muggles, he dashed in the opposite direction, and his eyes immediately caught sight of the sight opposite: a girl with long black hair dancing, her whole face painted as if she were wearing a mask - a Mexican tradition, it seemed. The long red dress glistened and emphasized the curves of her body. Her every movement was graceful and plastic. Adrian watched as if mesmerized, and his legs refused to obey him. His ears were drawn to the playing ensemble. His eyes fixed on a familiar figure.


There was a painful whop on the shoulder. It was the Muggles, running away in a panic. Rosier clenched his teeth to keep from groaning. When he looked back at the person he knew, he was disappointed to find that no one was there. Had he imagined it? Too vivid. Adrian hurriedly left the square, not wanting to be there a second longer.

The aunt's house was quiet. The faint scent of pine needles was in the air.

"Vinda, it's me!" Adrian shouted, hanging his coat carefully on the hook. He hastily pulled out his wand to remove the smell of burning, in case it had soaked into his clothes.

"Dear nephew!" A miniature woman of striking beauty appeared in the corridor and stepped towards Adrian. "I am so glad to see you!" Carefully gathered black hair, dark green dress, scarlet lipstick on her lips - everything about this woman was mysteriously charming. "The table is already set." Vinda was smiling. Her green eyes were warm and calm, but only because it was her nephew.

This woman was deceitful and dangerous - Adrian knew it well. The purity of the Rosier bloodline made them special, and he supported Grindelwald's policy wholeheartedly. And the fact that Vinda was the great dark wizard's right-hand woman was a joy to behold.

The candles shone brightly in the living room. The fireplace crackled cozily, warming it. A large table stood in the middle. The dishes were neatly arranged for exactly twelve people, two of whom were obviously missing. Adrian smiled involuntarily and sincerely. Some of the people present he already knew.

"Good evening, everyone!? He carefully pushed back his chair, sitting down in the designated place.

The always strict Gunnar Grimmson smiled when he saw Adrian.

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