Chapter 13. Quintessence of Consciousness

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It was time to depart for Hogwarts the following day. After a heightened security check, the students were allowed to return and begin their studies, which meant that they wouldn't stay home any longer than they had in any previous January. The representative of the Ministry of Magic had not been found, though, and the Aurors had joined the search.

Tom put the Daily Prophet on the table and turned to face Irene, who was sitting on the bed, sketching something. Although her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, a stray lock fell freely across her forehead. Occasionally, Irene hummed something quietly to herself, but Tom was unable to understand the words until he discovered that Irene was not singing in English.

"I'm listening to you, Düster," he said firmly.

Irene looked up absently, expecting an explanation, but Tom leaned back in his chair and kept probing her with his dark gaze.

"What happened to Torquil Travers?"

"To whom?" Irene set aside the yellowed sheets and charcoal, which immediately stained the white sheets. Tom's lips quirked slightly; he felt like giving her a slap on the wrist for being so thoughtless.

"Should I pour Veritaserum into your dirty mouth?" He licked his parched lips and grinned.

Irene's pale face flashed a devious smile as her naive stupidity turned to cunning in an instant.

"I guess they won't find him."

"How"? Tom was literally bursting with curiosity. In an instant, he made his way to the bed and fixed his gaze on Irene, eager to take in every word. "After all, you look like a very ordinary girl... Have you been trained?"

"Would you like me to show you?" Irene smiled, pressing herself against the wall just in case, and she did not lose.

"Legilimens," the already familiar spell rang out immediately.

Early rising every day. Endless training, abrasions, cuts, and bruises. Blood, blood, blood... It was hers and someone else's. Everything blended into a day of infinite gray. There were about twenty of them, and there were less than ten left. Someone just broke down mentally, someone couldn't cope physically. Abandoned children, left completely alone in this world. Many would have perished even earlier, but they had a valuable thing that was not given to everyone—pure blood. This was the reason they were under the care of Grindelwald's people.

What is the chance that a pure-blooded wizard will turn out to be a strong, dark one serving for the greater good? Though it's low, it exists. They were the best, though, which is presumably why there weren't many of them. They were strong. They carried out all the dirty work without inquiry and avoided pointless or foolish questions. Why? For the sake of the greater good, that was enough. Raised like purebred bitch puppies by force, cruelty, and authoritarianism. What for? Für das Größere Wohl.

Irene quickly realized that the only chance to survive and gain the favor of those who stood above them was composure, and turned off emotions. In a world where your parents are snatched from you and you are cast into the despised Muggle world like trash, why are they even necessary? Merlin, it's a miracle that Grindelwald's people came after her at all! It was necessary to be strong, the best, and train more than others.

She was right. All this has borne fruit. The following summer, when she was already twelve, the greatest wizard came to see their progress. He exuded authority and strength that made her skin crawl. At the same time, he smiled and seemed very kind, like the father that each of them missed so much. Inspiration and the rise of inner strength at the sight of him. Everything they did was not in vain. For the greater good!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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