Chapter 6. The Secret

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Resentment with a touch of anger and hatred took over his mind. Every movement and step were light, flying. The sharp cheekbones on his handsome face were tense enough to make it seem like you could hear his teeth grinding. Tom Riddle abruptly opened the door to the girls' room without waiting for permission to enter.

"Irene Düster, out!" The demanding voice made everyone present turn around.

Katherine jumped up excitedly from the bed, giving Tom a questioning but wary look. He did not react in any way. His whole being wanted to grab the stubborn girl by the hair and drag her off the bed, reveling in her cry of pain. That girl was Irene. She was nonchalantly dangling her legs off the bed and finishing her morning makeup. Loosely and leisurely, she set aside her vintage comb, adjusted her robe, and tossed her unruly curls back.

"Why?" she asked. A morning yawn ate the end of the question, forcing her to cover her mouth.

The fellow students looked at Irene like she was crazy. The corners of Tom's lips twitched, revealing emotion.

"Irene, just listen to our Head Boy," Katherine asked softly, catching Tom's unnoticed reaction and nudging Irene off the bed.

With a look of the most snobbish favor, Irene got out of bed and slowly wandered toward the exit. Tom stood in the doorway, not about to go anywhere, but moved slightly to the side, allowing her to leave. To everyone around, of course, he was acting like a gentleman who was waiting for a lady to exit so he could close the door.

A pleasant, faint odor hit Irene's nose – her lower abdomen tightened painfully. Tom was very tall, and she noted to herself that she could reach his chest or shoulders, no taller. Her gaze locked on his pale, long fingers, which were too tense, but damn handsome. The black hair rippled with a curt nod of her head, Irene's way of warding off intrusive thoughts.

As soon as she was in the hallway leading to the common living room, the door slammed shut sharply. Tom followed at heels, making her a little uneasy, and persisted in his silence. Of course, Irene wondered what the reason was for his unceremonious appearance in the room, but since he had come, he would probably talk too. Seeing the familiar furnishings with tapestries and leather sofas, Irene yawned loudly.

At that very moment, Tom overtook her, walking too close. Intentionally or not, he hit her painfully with his forearm. Irene took a deep breath without making a single sound, but only tensed violently and silently hugged her shoulder. She glared at Tom and thought, what a jumbo! Skinny, but still like a bull in a china shop. No, he did it on purpose.

"To the headmaster's office," Tom said sternly. "We're going to class, and you're going to the headmaster's office." He was silent for only a moment, which Irene barely had time to open her mouth, and then he hissed through his teeth, "I swear to Merlin, if you defame the name of our faculty, I'll–"

"Kill me?" Irene chuckled back at him.

Tom froze. Irene froze as well. Her sarcastic face with the mocking smile disappeared immediately. It was time to admit, sometimes her big mouth was a problem.

Tom abruptly turned around and gave Irene a sizzling look full of dislike. Irene automatically put on a silly girl's mask with a sweet smile, and noted to herself that he was about to have steam coming out of his ears.

"I've already told you. The status and behavior of our faculty–"

"Should be purer than the aura in St. Paul's Cathedral," Irene said like a common soldier. She almost saluted, but she held back, or Tom would definitely explode from such a prank. Nevertheless, she's here, the headmaster is expecting her... is this really something serious? Or is it just a little thing? Or is it? "Why am I being summoned? Did you snitch on me?" Irene asked.

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