Chapter 4. Invisible control

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Blowing on a naughty curl, Irene leaned back in her chair. With a subtle gesture of her fingers, the quill obediently dipped into the inkwell, and then went to the parchment and carefully scribbled out the sentence. The essay on the history of Metamorphmagi was so boring that it made Irene sleepy. The only thing that gave away genuine thought was a furrowed brow. It had been a week, and the library scene was still on her mind: whether the candles and torches shone so brightly, playing with light and shadow, creating the illusion of flaming scarlet eyes, or whether it was true.

Irene rested a head on her palms, gazing intently at the diligent writing quill. What should she do next? Just disappear? That was not an option. And this arrogant guy didn't seem that dangerous either, though he was definitely a strong wizard. Irene had no particular fear of him, but rather something else, but it was still quite unclear. Maybe she should come up with a proposal of mutual ignoring of each other's existence? That was probably much better. To try and join their company? They were obviously in an advantageous position, and that would be a good idea, one "but": Tom would be too close, and in case it didn't seem to her at all... it would be better to stay away from him.

"Irene!? A ringing voice made Irene raise her head. "I've been looking all over for you!"

Katherine put the parchment on the table, taking a seat opposite.

"Hello, Katherine," she nodded her head friendly and looked at the piece of paper over which the quill was hovering, waiting for the next command. The essay was finished.

"I think there are few registered metamorphmagi, because they either hide themselves well keeping their essence shady, or all of them work for the magical government as spies of some kind!"

"I suppose you're right. While I was writing my essay, I found only one example."

"Charles-Geneviève de Beaumont," Katherine laughed merrily, opening her transfiguration textbook.

"The same example that will be in absolutely every essay," Irene defiantly rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"Tom found another one," Katherine voiced mundanely, dipping her quill in the ink.

The corners of Irene's lips twitched. 'That Riddle has a finger in every pie. He knows everything,' the darkest thoughts immediately occupied her mind.

"Look, Katherine..." Irene carefully rolled up the parchment to stow it in her bag. "Does Tom have a girlfriend?"

Katherine's palm froze, and the gaze of her bright blue eyes slowly rose from the parchment to the figure opposite, and her refined features began to slowly stretch into a smile. Katherine took a deep breath, preparing to say something that Irene was a priori ready to accept with protest, for she had already realized: This was a question that should have been asked differently.

"Miss Grace," a high, pleasant voice sounded nearby. Both girls stared away from the window, where a handsome young man of cold appearance stood. "Miss Düster," Malfoy smiled.

He leisurely walked closer and placed his scroll, textbook and ink on the table. After looking at the girls again, he pulled back his chair and sat down. It had to be admitted, even the way he sat was impeccably handsome.

"No, Mr. Riddle has no lady of his heart," Malfoy said politely. "But your chances, Irene, are not very high either."

"Abraxas!" Katherine poked him in the side, pouting her lips unhappily. "Don't listen to him!" She shook her head in the direction of Abraxas.

"Irene asked — I answered," Malfoy smiled, and then looked at the newcomer with a closely appraising look. "I admit, you impressed everyone at the Transfiguration class. Though you lost points..." A grin appeared on his stern face.

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