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I thought for a moment.

"Both" I say
"Well you have been placed in..."

~Okay we're back~

"SLYTHERIN" the hat shouted
I grinned so hard. From ear to ear. I was clearly overthinking earlier and I knew I was gonna be a slytherin. Just like my mother.
I walked over to the table while the hall still erupted with the sounds of clapping and people whistling.
"WHAT DID I SAY!! I KNEW YOU WOULD BE PUT HERE" pansy shouted and squeezed the living shit out of me.
"Okay okay you don't have to shout though Jee" I pulled away from the hug
"Well done big sis, mum and dad would be proud" Nate said while wrapping his arms around my torso.
The rest of the boys congratulate me and then mattheo gets ready to say something

"Knew you'd get in y/n. Your as evil as us" he said with a smirk


"Yeah aha.." I awkwardly said
A few moments later two girls come up to me. One had blonde hair and blue eyes while the other had brunette hair with grey eyes. They were both in slytherin 
"Hey y/n congrats on getting into slytherin" the blonde one said
"I'm seriphina" she added
"I'm Ophelia" the brunette one butted in
"Oh nice to meet you" I smiled
"Can we talk to you in private please" Ophelia asked
"Oh sure" I replied
I stood up and the girls took me aside, maybe 20 meters away from the table and the guys. No one was really paying attention anyway so you know. Or so I thought...
"So I just wanted to say that you can't just waltz in here and try and take my man" seriphina said
"Exuse me" I laughed
"Mattheo. He's mine and your getting too close"seriphina said
"I'm not trying to take your 'man' thank you very much" I said with attitude
"Don't try get rude to her" Ophelia stood forward
"I'm really not. You can't just accuse me of trying to take mattheo away when all I did was sit opposite him." I said
Seriphina stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear.
"Listen carefully, I will kill your brother in his sleep and make you watch while your sitting in a chair all tied up" she said.
Then Ophelia stood forward and whispered in my other ear
"Your a fat slut anyway, honestly mattheo would never go for you. Even if he tried to it's because it's a dare. He wouldn't ever be seen with an ugly girl like you. Your just not his type. Mattheo even told seriphina that your annoying and he's gonna do his best to be horrible to you. He will never ever ever ever think your pretty. He thinks your pathetic and weak. Wanna know what he told us to tell you?"
"He hasn't told you anything" I said
"Oh he said you should Do yourself and everyone else a favour and kill yourself"
"No he didn't.." I say looking down
"Yeah he did. Also, pansy is just using you for a place to stay and using you for your money. She was talking to Timmy in the toilets before the break and said that your too easy and she can't wait to be 18 so she will get away from you because your to boring and fridgid"
They both giggled and walked off.
My eyes went glossy and I could feel that I was about to cry. I need to get out of here.
"Where are you going?" The voice in my head said
"Just shut up" I said out loud
"Tut tut y/n, don't be so rude. Where are you going."  The voice hushed
"My dorm" I said
"Okay. Good. Don't hurt yourself. Go sleep"
"I don't need you talking to me right now so go away" I was on the verge of crying
"Sure" he said

I looked over at the table where Pansy and everyone else was sitting. They all looked happy. Oh well I need to go sleep. I can't let anything happen to Nate. I ran to the dorm where I sleep and got changed into pyjamas. At least I don't have any classes for another five days. I will go shopping on Saturday.
My stomach started to rumble and it's only seven o'clock.
Hours went by and I'm just laying in the dark.


I woke up from my nap and looked at the time.. it's so late but early. I turned my bed side lamp on and don't see Pansy or that other girl...rue. But what I do see is mattheo sitting on a chair on a diagonal angle from my bed.
"AH!" I screamed
"Shut up" he said through his gritted teeth
"Why are you in here..and where's Pansy"
He huffed
"Answer me god dammit." I said.
"Pansy is with Draco doing god knows what and I'm here to check on you." He simply said
"Why" I asked
" because you didn't eat dinner and when seriphina and Ophelia came to talk to you, you didn't look too happy" he says with sympathy
"I'm fine. I'm not even hungry but I'm tired so if you don't mind. Get out" I said
"Don't be so rude darling" he said with a small smirk
"Oh fuck off mattheo and Don't call me darling" I say clearly pissed off
"Ooo sharp words y/n" he said sarcastically
"See I'm fine now go" I say
"No." He stated
"I said no. I'm not going"
"Ahem. It's my dorm. Leave mattheo" I rolled my eyes
"Nope" he smiled
"You stink of cigarettes.." I say stepping back
"You smell like vanilla and rosemary" he said stepping forward
"Go away"
"What did they tell you earlier" he lifts my chin up
"I'm not lying" I remove his hand from my chin
"Yes you are. I can tell" he replaces it
"No. I'm. Not" I say
"I don't hate you but I hate liars.." he tilts his head
"They just wanted to congratulate me..that's all" I say
"Okay..now the truth please" he says
"That is the truth. Please believe me. I'm tired I just want to sleep" I pleaded
He nodded his head
"You have a nice dorm by the way" he says
"Thanks.. is yours as cramed just like mine..I know there's only three people in here but you know. How many in yours?" I asked
"Oh just me. In the biggest room by the astrometry tower. On the left in case you decide to visit me and get lost " he smirked
"You have your own!?" I exclaimed
"Yes, because I don't like sharing with a bunch of immature horny teenage boys. Apart from theo. But yeah by myself"
"HEY!" I said
"What?.." he said startled
"You changed the subject. Get out" I said
"Fine whatever." He rolled his eyes and picked up his jacket
"Bye y/n"
He walked out the room and i was just left all by myself. Again.

I looked at the clock at its 23:01. Better get sleeping.

I climbed into bed and pulled the covers over my head. I started to twitch. I couldn't sleep properly.what's going on!

It's now 02:12 and I have just woke up.
"For god sake. I can't sleep" I mumbled
I get out of bed and out on my slippers and dressing gown. I bring my torch and leave my dorm. I have no idea where I'm going but I'm go wherever my legs take me.
Well my legs took me to the left bedroom by the astronomy tower..
I knocked three times
No one answered
I twisted the handle and it was open...

I look around. God it's massive From what I can see in the dark. All of a sudden I see a bed so I go up to it and feel him there. His breathing was soothing and slow. I got into his bed and cuddled him. He had no top on and he was in joggers. He was like a man-radiator he was so hot. In both ways. I finally got myself to sleep but must have woken mattheo up because what I remember was
"What the fuck. Why is there water on my stomach-" mattheo exclaimed
"Y/N wtf"
I woke up to him screaming my name 😏(stop)
I was crying in my sleep
"When did you get in here?" He asked
"Around 2 in the morning" I replied in a raspy tone
"Are you crying" he asked
Mattheo lifeted my chin up and wiped my tears
"Just listen to my tears darling" he smoothly said

He played with my hair and did circles around my back until I fell asleep. And that's the last thing I remember last night .

"Goodnight princess" he kissed my head and fell asleep aswell

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