The voice

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The sun came creeping in, illuminating the room. It's soft glow matched with mattheo's snores. His curls were still perfect from yesterday and his cheeks were pale pink. He's so beautiful
"Good morning darling" he said with a rasp
I pretend to be asleep by closing my eyes.
"There's no point in you pretending your asleep, I saw you staring at me or should I say...admiring"
I could hear the smirk in his voice but I'm gonna still pretend I can't hear him
"Oh so this is how you wanna play?" He says
I pretend to be oblivious and still be asleep when all of a sudden I felt a heavy weight on my stomach .
"Y/nnn" he said
"Get off me" I strained to say
"And she talks" he laughs
I tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge
"Say the magic word" he teased
"Fuck off"
"Hey, your the one who came to me"
I pushed him off me and he fell on the floor.
"Ow" he grunted
U started to get up and put my robe and slippers on as it was only 06:42 so if I made my way to the dorm no one would know.
"Where are you going" he dragged out
"To my dorm" I said in a rush trying to find my robe
"Y/n come back to bed"
I ignored him
"Y/nnnn" he groaned
I still ignored him
"What do you want " I said still trying to find my robe
"The nice y/n.." he smiled
"Well she's not here right now.I need to go" I said in a hurry.

He got off the floor and came up to me while I was facing the door.
"Come back to bed, we have no lessons" he whispered while massaging my shoulders
Fuck me , he's so hot. My knees are going weak
"You know you wanna stay with him" that voice in my head again
"No I really don't" I reply back
"Huh?" He says
"Sorry just nothing.." I reply
"Well I can tell your tired because your knees are getting weak so come back to bed with me" he pleaded.
His warm breath travelled down my spine and gave me tingles
"Just for t-ten minutes" I say quietly
"Yeah sure.." he replied

His hands stayed on my shoulders and guided me to the bed. The duvet was soft and warm and smelt like him. Not the cigarettes stench that usually has lingering around his effortlessly fit body but a divine and aromatic scent.
He started drawing patterns and circles on my back and I found myself drifting off to a deep slumber

Mattheos pov:

A spine chilling draft tickled my feet, along my vertebrae all the way to my neck forcing my hairs to stand up like soldiers but I was too restless to stay awake. I noticed y/n still sleeping peacefully beside me so I closed my eyes and drifted off
My eyes snapped open before dawn from a long restlessness. I had fought for too many hours to stay dreaming, and I knew there was nothing left to do but get up. I got up, turned off my alarm to spare y/n and stumbled on to balcony of the astronomy tower and left his door wide open where he stood in front of the window for several minutes.
I thought for a moment, how beautiful y/n is. Her light hazel eyes and her dark blondish hair, her tanned olive skin and how she has a tiny beauty spot on her left wrist. She's practically a goddess but there's no way I could be with her, I'm not her type and she's too perfect. A few minutes past and I decided to go get breakfast from the main hall as we don't have any classes today.

Y/n pov:
I woke up to a slight breeze on my face. The window wide open and the trees swaying slowly in the distance. The turrets of the castle still stand tall and look dominating as ever. i took in the surroundings all around me and realise that I was in someone else's dorm. I looked around and realized it was Mattheo's. I remember last night. I really needed to leave as soon as possible!
I got up and slid my slippers back on followed by my dressing gown then left his dorm.
Walking down the corridors there was a vast amount of students traveling fully dressed, laughing with others and some even smiled at me but others glared into my head. I put my head down and tried to make it to my dorm swiftly Untill I felt something hard hit my head so I looked up and it was Mattheo.

"Still not watching where your going y/n?" He slightly chuckled
"I was. I was but YOU got in my way" I said
"Or you just wasn't looking where you was going" he lifted my chin up
"Why are you even talking to me right now, I don't have time for this" I tried to walk past him but he stood right back in my way.
"Y/n, what are you doing.."
"trying to get back to my dorm" I said impatiently
"Why?... were you not comfortable in mine?" He questioned
As I was about to answer I heard a high pitched noise scratch my brain. I put both of my hands on my head and kneeled down in pain
"Woah woah y/n. Take it easy" mattheo said
"Yeah y/n, take it easy." A voice bellowed in my head.
"I-it's back" I whispered
"What's back?!" Mattheo said
" I-" I wasn't able to speak
And it went black.

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