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Toms pov:

I needed her, I was inconsiderate of her feelings but all I needed her for was to put a part of fathers soul inside her. He needs to come back, incase he would have to go off radar for a while, I needed to know that as long as my brother is here to protect her then fathers soul was safe. All I had to do was slice a part of her body and drip her wine red blood into a 1L flask so I can transport it to the great slytherin sword.

End of toms pov:

Mattheo's pov:
I burst through the doors after a few seconds and open my eyes to see Tom holding a large knife against y/n forearm, and y/n passed out. Face pale and un nutritioned. What the fuck was he doing
"Tom. Get away from her" I spitted
"Oh brother, why must you interrupt so soon, I'm doing something here so why don't you-"
"Shut it Tom, I'm not fucking around, leave her alone. Why are u doing this u incompetent fuck" I hiss
"You're so dramatic. You know this is a task from father, if I don't do it. Then you'll have to"
"Are you saying you'd rather save a girl that you barely know over your family. Your own blood. Father?" Tom questioned with tints of sarcasm
"Your fucking pathetic" I said

I got out my wand and pointed it towards him while slowly walking to him. Cautiously he put the blood down and put his hands up to the air
"Now leave." I said

Tom goes to leave but as he walks past me, I run to y/n, ripping some fabric off the curtains and tying it around her arm. The room of requirements hold strange memories and I'm worried that this place will be a recurring nightmare. I intensely wrapped the fabric and made sure to stop the bleeding. Her skin was pale and her pulse was beating. Barely. But still beating. A few strains of hair stuck to her forehead. She looked exhausted, and she doesn't deserve this.
I tried to wake her up, but she stayed unconscious, the flask only had quarter blood so I knew my brother would try to take more

"Your right brother, I'm going to take more and you can't do anything about it" Tom whispered
As his cold breath stabbed my ear vigorously, he put his wand against my throat from behind and muttered a spell under his breath . Causing me to collapse instantly and fall asleep

"I'm sorry brother, it was the only way, you'll be alright in a few hours" Tom said, patting my back as I close my eyes.

End of Mattheo's pov:

Y/n pov:
I woke up with a beeping sound ringing through my ears. Headache pounding my head wnd my arm bandaged up in a cream white bed, and a sleepy Mattheo sitting on the chair and pansy talking to the nurse at the end of the room. Mattheo had bags under his eyes and looked like he hadn't washed his hair in a few weeks. He looked rough, and I'm not exaggerating.

I sat up but wincing as shooting pains were flying through my arm, making me unable to move in an ordinary way.
"Ow ow ow" I whispered
I must have been loud as I see Mattheo move in his seat
"Y/N!!!" Pansy screamed, running over to my bed and squeezing my arm which was no in excruciating pain.
"FUCK OW PANSY?" I squeeled
"Sorry girl.." she said, leaning off me and standing beside the bed
"Why is Mattheo here?" I question looking over at him sleeping still
"He's been here the whole time, he won't leave.."

I silently gulped
"How long have I been out for?"
"Around four days, nurse has been pumping blood into your system as you lost 3L" pansy said concerningly
"3L?!" I exclaimed
"Yeah, Blaise found you in the room of requirements sleeping on the couch, with a blade next to your bed. Y/n I didn't know it's got this bad..why didn't you tell me"
"Huh what?" I said
"Y/n, you can always talk to me"
"I'm not suicidal tf you on?" I said back
"Look, it's hard to admit it but-"
"No pansy, I'm not fucking suicidal but if I was I'd tell you, I promise." I said
"Mattheo's waking up" pansy said pointing at him

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