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I woke up with firm hands still clasping onto my waist. I woke up in the same place I fell asleep in, probably didn't move a muscle. I tried to get out of the clasp but he didn't let me.
"Mattheo..let me go" I whispered
He grunted and held me a little tighter
"Mattheoooo please, I need the toilet" I said
"Nooo, hold it in" he said with a slight rust to his tone.
"Pleaseee Mattheo"
There was no reply so I'm guessing he fell back asleep.
I reached for my phone and saw that the time was only half nine in the morning. I couldn't hear any commotion coming from the room where everyone else had slept the night before so,

I decided to hold it in.

Mattheo was grunting in his sleep and then he stopped. I felt something poking my knee and I looked down and Mattheo's cock was poking out of his grey joggers. Fuck me it's big.
I squirmed and tried to get out of his grip.
"Mattheo...erm you have a little problem.." I said pointing down

Mattheo shot right up and covered his bottoms with the cover leaving me without it
"Mattheooo give me some" I said
"Y/n do you mind stepping out for a bit I need to do something" he said clenching his teeth together. Basically smiling awkwardly
"Do you need help?" I smiled innocently
"I don't think you would be able to" he said

Is he gay?

"Oh and why's that?" I asked back
He stayed silent
""Are you gay?" I gasped
"" he denied
"Quit it" he warned
"Your gay?! It's alright Mattheo I think Blaise and Timmy are too, maybe threesom-"
He cut me off and lightly put his gigantic hands on my neck.
"I said quit it. You wanna know why y/n, cause I'm rock hard because of you and I want to pound the living daylight out of you but if I do, I'm going to ruin you and you don't need that." He said letting go of my neck

I lean back against the headboard, stunned and speechless
"Now, y/n please excuse me for a moment" he said chucking on some grey joggers on walking to the bathroom

A few moments later I got up and took Mattheo's biggie smalls top and a pair of shorts underneath along with my red and white converse. I then walked to the bathroom and wet my hair slightly, slicking it back to a half up half down style.
Walking into the front room, I see Draco and pansy cuddling each other with light snores along with Blaise and Timmy laying on the floor low key holding each other under the blanket. Theo wasn't there which was strange cause he was when I fell asleep.
Mattheo and Enzo was cooking bacon sandwiches in the kitchen listening to what sounded like "Tyler the creator". The muggle has made great melodies

"I love Tyler" I said in a chirpy way
"Who tf is Tyler" Enzo said
"The musician you are listening to" I laughed
"OWW" Enzo squeeled
"What now Enzo?" Mattheo said
"The bacon is spitting at me!!" He cried out
"I gave you an easy job, since you couldn't spread the butter on a few slices of bread, all you have to do is make sure the bacon isn't burnt!!" He exclaimed
"THE BUTTER WAS HARD, not my fault it made it rip" he said back

I looked on the side to see 12 slices of bread with vigorous holes in them from the roughness of Enzo

"Enzo, you know magic, just warm it up?" I said
"Enzo go sit down" Mattheo ordered

I walk to the cooker and turned the heat down, tipping some oil into the cup as it was nearly full to the brim because of Enzo
I then put some parsley and paprika on the bacon making it have some taste to it.
Mattheo finished buttering the bread and smiled at me.
"Why are you smiling so much for?" I asked, tilting my head
He then dipping his finger in the butter and wiping it on my nose
"MATTHEO!!!" I screamed

Draco tossed and turned, got up and said
"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep with the misses, can you tone it down?!!"
"Uhhhh no?" I said back
"Ugh my father will hear about this" he rolled his eyes and went under the cover with pansy giggling
That's when Blaise shot up and twitched his nose
"I smell baconnnn, Timmy wake up wake up, it's breakfast" he shook him slightly

I turned my attention back to Mattheo and made him wipe my nose.
"So did you sort yourself out?" I whispered, referring to this morning
He coughed and timidly nodded his head
We served everyone breakfast after taking ten minutes to wake up pansy the lazy slag and dug right in, planning what we were doing that day

"Me and Timmy are going to the library today and chilling, maybe go hogsmead or something" Blaise said
"You mind if I join you?" I asked
"Of course sweetie pie" Blaise beamed
"Me Draco and Enzo are going back to Draco's to watch films and chill because we have class tomorrow so pop in when you want" pansy said
"Where did Theo go?" Enzo asked
"Don't worry about that Enzo." Mattheo replied quickly
"Ok...we'll what are you doing today mattheo" Enzo asked
"Things." He said while rolling a fat spliff
"Like?" Pansy insisted
"Talking to a few girls, drugs idk why the fuck do you want to know." He said back
"Okay bud, calm down, light it, and breathe" Draco said

Mattheo lit the spliff and leaned back, the smell was strong. Too strong for me.
"Okay I'm going to go back to my dorm to get ready, I will meet you in the library in an hour?" I implied
"Sounds good, see you soon y/n" Timmy smiled
I then put my plate in the sink and walked out
"Bye guys" I smiled

I walked down the spiral staircase down to the ground, through the lantern lit hallways, students chattering amongst themselves, staring at me. Bogging me out. Did I have something on my face? I was confused but I carried on walking to my dorm.
I walked past the great hall and grabbed a hot chocolate and a pano chocolate then walked past the room of requirements...

I knocked on the door and took a deep breath, no response so I walked in. Everything was as it was the first time I dared to step there. I shut the large oak door behind me and took a small whiskey glass of the counter and poured myself some orange juice, sat down of the sofa and picked up a book that read "the way I used to be". I read atleast a chapter even though I could have done this in the library.
A cough then echoed through the room

"Y/n?" A voice said
I turned my head around to see a tall boy with dark curls standing in the dark with a wand in his left hand
"Tom?" I squinted into the dark
"I've been waiting for you dear..." he replied

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