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Mattheo's pov
I carried on ploughing through the woods, stumblling side to side cause I wernt completely sober but sober enough to find y/n.
I was getting closer after a few minutes and I heard talking. That sounded like y/n. I sprinted forward and see a boy covering y/n's mouth

"MATTHEO!" She screamed
"Y/N!" I shouted back
Y/n stood back and tripped to the floor
"GET THE FUCK OFF HER" I pushed the boy and gave him a right hook round the jaw
"Stupefy" he shouted back and pointed his yew with a phoenix feather core wand in my direction. But missed
"Locomotor Wibbly" y/n shouted at the mysterious boy
(Locomotor Wibbly is the spell where it makes your legs feel like jelly)

He fell down and so I helped y/n and I walked over to the boy
"Who the fuck do u think you are-"
"You know who I am brother.."
"T-Tom?" I whispered
"Tom. As In Tom riddle?" Y/n questioned not seeming bothered
"Yes.." I replied
"So that means you're-"
"Mattheo riddle. Not look a like twins with Tom riddle. Sons of Voldemort" Tom said
"Cool" she replied taking of her shoes
"So why the fuck have you brought y/n here" I said, losing my patience with him already
"Well father gave me a task but it doesn't matter right now" he replied smuggly
"Are you the-" y/n was about to question
"Voice in your head. Yes."
"Why are you-" she asked
"Doing it?. Don't ask me questions." Tom said in a stern voice
"Don't raise your voice at her." I said back
"Someone's protective." He teased
"Whatever, come on y/n I'm taking u back to your dorm" I said taking her arm
"Nooo I want to go backkk to the p-party" she declined
"No. It's over" I said trying to move her
"No it's not I can just about hear it" she said
"Let's all go back to the party" Tom said
"No." I said

I picked up y/n and threw her around my shoulders. I could tell her shoes had been killing her so why not be nice.

"Well you guys go then, I need to go talk to a Weasley." Tom rolled his eyes and apperated out of where we were.
"What's his problem" y/n asked
I just ignored her
"Don't ignore me" she insisted
"Be quiet" I said back
"Your so strange. You claim u hate me, ignore me. And pretend I'm not there but then u come to save me. TWICE" she said
"So? What's your point" I said
"Well I-I um" she stuttered
"What happened with Ophelia and seriphena" I asked again
"Don't worry about it. Nothing happened" she said shyly
I squeezed her thigh to try and get her to tell me
"Don't do that you'll turn me onnn" she laughed
"You being serious?" I questioned
"Well um..I I don't know" she stuttered
I laughed.
"Your a virgin arnt you?" I said
"N-no I mean yeah.. I don't know"
"What do u mean you don't know" I said nearly falling over from the logs and sticks in the woods
"I don't wanna talk about it okay?!"
"Alright. We'll just go sleep and I will get us back to the castle. We're gonna be another 15 minutes, just hold on tightly to my shoulders okay?"
"Mhm" she replied

Y/N's pov

I woke up on Mattheo's bed. Again. With a headache and another dry mouth. I felt really sick so I sat up and saw Mattheo writing something on his desk. I found myself in a large tee and the shorts I had on underneath my dress. My hair was all over the place and I had mascara smudged on my face. I looked like horse shit.

"Morning y/n" he said without turning his head
"I..erm morning"
"Headache?" He softly said
"Yeah.." I said in disbelief
"Water is on the side" he replied
"When did I get here" I asked
"Last night." He simply said
"Oh right okay.."
I grabbed the water and took a sip

"When did I get in your t shirt?" I added
"You got changed somehow but I turned away, I insisted. You clearly was fond on the thought of me watching you get undressed but I'm not going to take advantage of you when your intoxicated. I'm not a prick y/n" he told me
"Oh erm right.." I said itching my head
"Umm we didn't like...you know. Do IT" I asked
He chuckled and finally turned around to face me
"No y/n, we didn't. You went straight to sleep after getting dressed" he smiled
"Oh right okay we'll I better get going.." I turned to find my dress
"U can wear the top to your dorm and wear my joggers." He suggested
"Yeah okay, I will give you your top back later." I said
"Don't worry about it." He said turning back around

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