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I woke up with a headache and found myself on my bed. I felt nauseous and I had a dry mouth.  I looked to my right and saw a glass of water and also an inviting scream from pansy
"Y/n!!" She jumped on my bed
"Dude wtf, get off me man...how'd I get here?" I asked
"Mattheo brought you back here. Apparently u fainted or something and he made sure you was okay but I took it from there" she said
"Oh alright" I simply smiled
"Soooooo" pansy whined
"What?" I questioned her
"Sooo why was you with mAttHeO" she giggled
" I wasn't with him." I rolled my eyes
"Hmmm sure, so what? He just found u on the floor by his dorm?" She raised an eyebrow
"I was j-just lost" I said
"Yeah lost in his eyessss" she teased
"Oh shut up pansy. You were with Draco" I replied
"Well at least I can admit it" she sang
I ignored her comment and chugged the water on the side
"Well anyway, get up and get ready, we're going to a welcome party tonight" she said cheerfully
I mentally rolled my eyes. I don't drink and I don't smoke so me at a party just brings it down.
"And I know what your gonna say y/n, you are coming and no isn't an answer." She said
"Yeah yeah whatever"
So I got up, had a shower and shaved every inch of my body. I felt good about myself for once. I played "needed me" by Rihanna and did my hair.
I chose this outfit

"Y/n, not to be rude but your not leaving here with

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"Y/n, not to be rude but your not leaving here with...that...on" she said
"What do you mean, it's elegant and classy?" I said back
"Well this party is slutty and dangerous" she beckons
"Okay..we'll you pick my outfit then"
So pansy chose this

"PANSY I LOOK LIKE A PROSTOTUTE" I shouted from the bathroom "Let me see! Let me see!" She begged I walked out and stumbled as I couldn't walk in 8 inch heels "I look like a slag" I said "No you look amazing!" She argued "Okay the dress isn't to b...

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"PANSY I LOOK LIKE A PROSTOTUTE" I shouted from the bathroom
"Let me see! Let me see!" She begged
I walked out and stumbled as I couldn't walk in 8 inch heels
"I look like a slag" I said
"No you look amazing!" She argued
"Okay the dress isn't to bad but are the 8 inch heels necessary pans?" I tilted my head
"Yes yes yes"
"But they hurt my feet" I whined
"Beauty is pain" she said while fiddling with my hair.

A few hours later it got to half 8 and it got dark. The echoes of first years had disappeared into their dorms and the teachers were having a meeting in the west wing so the party had been diverted to the forbidden forest. Pansy convinced me to have a couple of shots before we left as she quote on quote said that "you will feel more livelier and it will get me in the mood". But one turned to two and two turned to three Until we had the whole bottle of vodka straight.
"Okay okay, we're gonna be late we should get going" pansy said
"No nooo darling, we're going to arrive fashionably late" I stumbled to the door
"Y/n you really want to go in the state your in?"
"I can handle itttt" I muttered

We finally reached the forbidden forest and it took us about half an hour cause I started speaking to professor dumbledore about o.w.l.s in a few months. He seems to like me
Mattheos pov

"I think fumbledore is a pedo" pansy chuckled
"Probably tried to bum potter" Draco snarled
"Hey guys, where's y/n" Theo said
I didn't hesitate to whip my head to scan the area for her.
"Well let's go fucking find her" I shouted
"I'm n-not movinggg" pansy slurring
"What. Get up you whore and go find your best friend with me. Draco get up away from her." I screamed
"Don't call me a whore." Pansy bellowed
"Guys come on, there's no time for this shit." Blaise pulled me back and dragged me away to go find y/n.
It's been 10 minutes and we still couldn't find her. I was agitated and stressed out. The party had gotten more crowded and people from the other houses has started to arrive too.
"Don't worry mate, we'll find her." Blaise said to me tapping my shoulder
"I know." I replied
"I just don't know where'd she be" I said, still searching with my eyes
"She couldn't have gone that far, she had fuck off heels on. I don't know how she managed to get here to be honest...Maybe if we go to that treehouse up there we could get a better view" Blaise pointed out

I nodded my head and we both started to head towards the treehouse where the DJ had this decks.
When we reached to the point, we couldn't see her anywhere and I started to get more worried by the moment. Pansy was still sat down, smoking a joint with Ophelia and serephina. I could see Timmy and Draco searching through the crowds while also dancing. I could also see Theo standing on a tall log trying to call y/n.

"Bro, what's that light over there" Blaise said
I looked to see where he was pointing and could see a beaming white light coming from the woods about half a mile away.
"You stay here, and see if she comes back. I will go over there and see what it is" I shouted
"Don't go alone. That's too dangerous"
I ignored him And scoffed. Does he know who I am. Please-

Y/n's POV

"Keep walking" the voice said
"Forrr howww long." I replied back
"Shut it and keep walking" he snapped
"Ok okayyy, I'm just soooo tired but as long as your not goingg to kill me then we shouldn't have a problemmm" I whined.

The voice didn't say much Untill he told me to stop at a dirt track. I could barely hear the rumble from the party and began to wonder why I actually followed this strange voice in my head. Am I stupid? Clearly

"Yes you are stupid. Why'd you follow a voice in your head. Your going crazy" a voice said, coming from behind me
I turned around to see what was going on and a rather tall boy stood infront of me. In my head everyone is so tall because I'm 5'3 and half but that's not the point. He had really dark green eyes, curly hair. He stood with elegance and his head lowered down to look at me. His prefect badge shone brightly so that meant he was somewhat important.

"So your the girl that my brother can't stop thinking about.." he said in a hot deep voice 
"Erm excuse me." I stood back
"Are you deaf?." He questioned
"no. Im perfectly able to understand what you are saying but-"
"Sh" he hushed me and put his hand over my mouth

Im not going to lie, it was hot. I tried to look into his eyes and work out why I haven't seen him around here before. But he turned away and scanned the area. Who's his brother. Why has he lead me here?. Is he the voice in my head. What's going on


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