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Y/n's pov

I followed him. I actually followed him. Again! I guess I like to play with fire. I knew this boy was dangerous but I thought the same with Mattheo but look how he is with me.
We reached the room of requirements and it was beautiful.
There was a fireplace already lit and a large sofa, bigger than my dorm. There also was a large desk with paper everywhere.
To my right was a 20ft shelf full of every book you could imagine. The imagery was beautifully lit up and it made my heart warm.
"Pretty isn't it?" Tom asked me
"It's stunning.." I replied back
"Care for a drink" he offered
"I erm sure why not. What's one gonna do?"

He poured me some whiskey in a glass mixed with coke but he had his straight.
I sat down on the sofa and he sat next to me
"So what would you like to know?" He asked
"Well first, if your the voice in my head thennn how come I didn't see you in the great hall when I first arrived?" I said
"I don't need to be there to read your mind and speak to you.." he said tilting his head slightly to the right
"What did you need with me last night" I asked
"That is something I'm not gonna tell you" he said taking anything swig of his drink
"Oh yeah? And why's that?" I said back
"Because you don't need to know" he replied

I asked him a few more questions then i decided I wasn't drunk enough so while he wasn't looking i poured myself another drink and another one and another

"Didd I everr tell you that you have gorgeoussss eyes" I slurred
"No, in fact you didn't" he chuckled
"Welllll you dooo" I said placing my hand on his cheek
"Has anyone ever told you, your eyes are hypnotizing"
"There only light green" I whispered

I leaned it closer and kissed him. He immediately kissed me back and I could taste the warm oaky taste of whisky lingering in his mouth which quickly intwined in my mouth with my many drinks. He picked me up from sitting sideways and layer me flat on my back.
"I'm going to fuck you like the slut you are and your not going to do anything about it okay?"
He whispered in my ear
"Y-yes Tom" I was turned on but petrified.
I was a virgin and I was scared. What if it hurt me too much. Tom was more mature than me as he was a year older but that was okay because I trust-
"Ughhhh" I moaned
"Fuck tom."

Tom stared into my eyes and thrusted into me
He pounded from the second he got in me. His it hurt like a bitch but I got used to the pain and then slowly turned into pleasure. And fuck it felt good. He then multitasked and took of his top leaving him in nothing apart from boxers which were by his ankles and then he managed to take my flares off and my top off in time while also unclipping my bra strap.
Tom roughly made out with me, caressing my boobs and leaving hickeys from my neck down to my inner thighs.
His groaning and my moaning were bouncing off the walls and I never wanted him to stop.
Tom groaned in my ear constantly, reminding me what I make him sound like. I then decided that I wanted to take control so I flipped him on the bottom and I started to grind on him. His dick felt like it was ripping my insides but it was worth it. He massaged both of my boobs and gave me more hickeys on them too.
It was clear that we wernt going to stop anytime soon as I could tell that we both never wanted the feeling to stop.
I then looked down in his eyes while he flipped me over again so I was on my back again.

Tom murmured a spell under his breath which lead for a bowl to appear next to us of ice. I then found myself tied up against the sofa and top pulled out of my dripping wet 😽 and grabbed an ice cube. He then traced the ice cube against my nipples and then sucked the remaining water off. He then traced it down to my stomach then my inner thigh to which he then went down on me and ate me out.
I pulled his hair left and right and arched my back because I couldn't take it anymore. My legs were shaking and I was a moaning mess.
5 minutes later Tom wiped his mouth and started to rub my clit back and forth in circles until he pushed his dick back into me and thrusted a few times until we both came.

"Woah..." I said
"You were good" he replied while getting his clothes back on
" did you know I was a virgin...was it obvious" I asked
"No. Not at all. I thought u had fucked my brother"  he questioned
"No? I've only known him for three days"
"So, you've only known me for one" he said in a cocky tone
"Oh whatever."
I stood up and put my clothes back on my then as I was trying, I fell the floor
"Struggling darling?"
"No no I'm fine" I got up and fixed my hair
"Okay we'll i need to go.." I said to him
"Okay, great talk" he chuckled

I got to the door and opened it
"Bye" I said
"Bye y/n" he said nodding his head

I left the room and started to walk away Until I bumped into something hard...again

"Hello trouble" Mattheo said
"I erm hi m-Mattheo" I replied back
"Why are you stuttering and why are you unable to carry yourself"
"I erm nothing." I reply
"Your a terrible liar...is that whiskey I can smell from your breath. Have u learnt NOTHING OH MY FUCKING GOD" he shouts in my face
"WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!" I screamed back
"WHAT THE FUCK. ARE YIU drunk?" He asked me viciously
"No Mattheo whatever I'm whatever stop asking me questions"

Just as I was about to walk away, Tom came walking out the room where I just came from.
His buttons were done up perfectly and nothing was out of place. Apart from a new red mark on his neck

"Is that a hickey?" He asked Tom
"I believe so brother" he replied
"What whore did you fuck today then" Mattheo jokingly said
"Your girl." He said back

"Huh what girl, I don't have a girlfriend" he said puzzled
"Oh right. We'll look infront of you mattheo. The whore can answer for herself" Tom replied

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