Timmy boy

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Huh what girl, I don't have a girlfriend" he said puzzled
"Oh right. We'll look infront of you mattheo. The whore can answer for herself" Tom replied

End of recap

I burst into tears and ran off back to my dorm, I'm not a whore. What the fuck was I even thinking. I need pansy

Pansy's pov.

I woke up this morning with Draco and thought what a great life I have.
"Dray, im gonna go back to my dorm to y/n, I left her last night and seriphina and Ophelia spiked my weed as you know so I need to go apologize to her" I said sliding on my shoes
"Okay babe, I will catch you up later" he winked
I smiled back and rushed to my dorm.

When I got their I heard muffled whimpers and cries coming from inside.
"Y/n?" I called for her
That when I saw her underneath her covers.
"Pans!" She said
She ran up to me and hugged me tightly
"What's wrong are you okay" I asked her while gripping on to her
"P-pans. I fucked Tom, and Mattheo found out.."
"WHAT? TOM RIDDLE!" I beamed with excitement but not getting the same emotion back
"Yea.." she looked down and burst into tears again
"Woah woah woah, why are you crying, your not a virgin anymore." I rubbed her back
"I know but I've messed everything up and everyone is going to be pissed" she spoke quietly
"No one is going to be mad y/n" I said while sitting her down
"Now, listen to me,you need to eat otherwise you will feel faint okay? So let's get you cleaned up and let's go" I said smiling at her

Y/n's pov

I changed my outfit into some dark blue y2k baggy jeans and biggie smalls Mattheo's top from the other night. I've decided to talk to Tom and clear things. I'm not a whore and I'm not letting some stupid man tell me something I'm not.
I put my hair in a claw clip and put eyeliner on filling the gaps. I felt hot and no one could stop me.
"Woah y/n, looking fiesty huh?" Pans said
I looked in my small bag and pulled out a pack of Marlboro reds and took two out the pack.
"You look so hot right now." She said wowed
"Here, you got a lighter?" I asked
"shit, no" she replied
"Oh it's okay, I have my dads zippo" I smirked and whipped it out

We walked down to the common room and took a Gregg's sausage roll out of the mini fridge from the muggle world and munched cause we boujee like that. We then sat down on the large sofa opposite the fireplace and warmed up
Just a few minutes after we heard loads of noise, chattering from students So me and pans turned around and saw Theo, Draco, Timmy, Blaise and Mattheo come through making a racket.

"Hello lady's" Timmy said in a funny posh voice
"Are you alright?" Blaise asked me
"You know, since last night happened-" he continued
"Yeah I'm fine don't worry" I said keeping my head down trying not to look at the peircing eyes that belong to Mattheo's
"Well I think we should have a massive sleepover and play games and watch films" Timmy said beaming with excitement
"Or you mean have a sleepover with a cock load of weed, listening to arfroman while playing spin the bottle and 7 minutes in heaven. Cause if you do mean that Timmy boy, then I'm down?!" Pansy said

We all laughed cause we know Timmy didn't mean that.

"No I didn't mean that but I guess we could do that instead" Timmy said
"Who's dorm?!" Draco said
"Mattheo has the biggest" Theo said
"I don't let anyone in there." He said bluntly, still not looking away from me
"But you let someone else in there" pansy whispered
"Shut it." He said getting up and pouring himself a rum and coke
"Come on Mattheo, it's only one night, what's the worst that could happen?" Timmy begged

Mattheo finally gave in and decided to let everyone sleep on the large balcony with the stars above them and fireplace to keep them warm

We all ran the Mattheo's floor and had shots lined up for every spin you did.
"Y/n goes first" Blaise said
No one argued.

I span the bottle and it ran round in circles for atleast thirty seconds

20 seconds

10 seconds

5 seconds

4 seconds

3 seconds

2 seconds

1 second.....

Ha, gonna have to wait wait for next chapter 🫣

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