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Theo, Mattheo's BEST friend
"Um we don't have to y/n" theo said
"I don't mind" I said back
He then took dominance and leaned forward heavily. He tucked my whispy hairs behind my ears and put his index finger under my chin, lifting it up forcing me to stare into his eyes.
His red cherry lips pressed lightly against mine and had a small spark against my tongue. Battling for dominance.
"Okay I think that's enough now guys.." pansy said from across the room as she can sense Mattheo's anger from a mile away
But I didn't care-
We deepend the kiss by him lightly placing his hand around my neck and his other slowly tracing my upper thigh. I got my hands and ran them through his dark brown hair. Making it look uneven and messy but he didn't care.
He managed to push me back a little bit as now I'm holding myself up with just my left arm.

"Guys!, that's enough now" pansy repeated
"Shush pans, it's just getting good!" Draco frowned

So that's what we did, we got good and it ended with me on top of him grinding and making hickeys everywhere. I felt his hard dick pulsing, raging through his trousers. He was more than clear that he was very turned on.

My hair was a mess, my makeup had been smudged, my breathing was rapid and so was Mattheo when he saw that we stopped kissing. Mattheo swung at Theo and repeatedly punched him in the face. That's when he brought out his wand and pointed it at his neck. The tip was just poking his adams apple making it hard for Theo to breathe
"MATTHEO STOP IT" Timmy shouted
I was just in shock but I was kinda funny so I burst out in laughter causing everyone to look at me which I didn't intend to happen.
"Sorry.." I said slightly laughing trying to see if anyone found it amusing but clearly not.
Mattheo walked to me and pushed me on the sofa making me look up at him.
"You whore." He whispered then turned around to everyone else
"What the fuck?" Pansy cursed
"Don't curse at me pansy. You'll regret it." Mattheo said through gritted teeth
"I hate you." I said
"No you don't." He smirked

He's trying to ruin my life and I swear to god he's going to be the death of me.

After a few more rounds it got boring and awkward so we wrapped it up, The little gathering moved to Mattheos front room.
"Goodnight everyone.." Mattheo said
I got up and said
"I need to go toilet." I stated, barging past Mattheo

I walked through a little passage with candles floating but lit. I twisted the handle which opened a door with a shower, a bath hot tub and a toilet.
I had a pee and decided I wanted to go in his bath so I made sure the bathroom door was locked and got undressed. The bath erupted with bubbles and the steam lingered around the rim on the tub. I put my left foot in then followed by my right. I sunk in and out my hair in a messy bun. I closed my eyes and exhale. Peace. At last.

~40 minutes later~
*knock knock*
"Y/n you alive in there?..." Mattheo's voice asked
"Hello? Y/n" he asked again
He put his ear to the door but couldn't hear a word
"Okay y/n I'm coming in..." he warned
Mattheo managed to pick the lock and half covered his eyes to reveal me laying In the warm bath with my eyes closed, head back and headphones on slowly lip syncing "pretend, by alex_g_offline".

Mattheo tapped my shoulder and I opened my eyes to see him smiling and me.
"AHH" I screamed trying to hide my body in the water
"Don't you knock?!" I said
"First of all, it's my dorm, second of all. I did knoc and warned you but I thought you had drowned or something." He said back
"Okay cool, I'm alive. You can go away now" I replied

He turned around and walked towards the door, I thought he was going to go out and shut the door but instead he stayed and shut it from inside.
"What are you doing Mattheo" I asked
He didn't reply but instead he took off his grey joggers and boxers off and got into the massive bath with me. But I quickly looked away.
When I turned back, Mattheo had already spawned next to me.
"MATTHEO?!" Get out!!" I screamed
"Shut up." He said
I don't normally listen but I couldn't be bothered to argue. As much as I would rather decline. My mouth wouldn't let me...

"You fucked my brother.." he said looking straight into my eyes
"What do you want me to say.." I asked
"Nothing.." he replied back
I tilted my head
"Mattheo, you wouldn't have brung that up if you didn't have something sarcastic or a snarky comment about it." I pointed out
"I just wanted to hear you admit it.." he said in a solemn tone

I put the right AirPod in my ear so he put In the left. We sat for atleast 20 minutes without uttering a word. Then My eyes got sleepy and I think he noticed.

"Come here.." he said, placing his hands around my waist moving me infront of him, between his legs.
He made circles along my back and massaged my shoulders and head.
His touch was warm and it was somehow soothing.
"Mhm?" He hummed
"I'm sorry.."
"It's alright y/n, but just promise me something"
"What is it?"
"Your not to talk to him again."
"Don't talk to him again, or do anything with him. I promise you'll be hurt. He's planning something which I'm not quite sure of but I know it can't be good especially if my father is involved. I don't want you to be hurt.." he said still making swirling patterns on my back
I just nodded my head as I had no clue on what to say. I guess I've got to agree but I'd rather just stay silent for now.

Another hour past and we spoke for what seemed like a lifetime. The bath was still scorching hot, His dark curls were now longer and wet from the bath.
I leaned against him and dozed off for ten minutes
"Hey y/n, come on let's go to bed" he said shaking me lightly
"Mhm I can't be bothered" I mumbled
"We can't stay in here forever, we'll get cold and wrinkly." He chuckled

I didn't reply

"Y/n?"  Mattheo said with concern
I hummed again not wanting to move. So
Mattheo got out and wrapped a dressing gown around me and a dark green town around him. He picked me up and carried me out of the bathroom to his bed

"You can sleep on here tonight" he said putting me in his covers

I didn't reply

He tucked my baby hairs behind my ears and grabbed a blanket and slept on his sofa.


I woke up lonely. I've been aggravated from the fact I couldn't get back to sleep. I looked to my right and see a big lump slouched along the sofa so I got up and walked quietly towards Mattheo.

"Mattheo.." I shook him
"Mattheooo" I whined
"Mhm?" He grunted
"Can you come to bed please?" I asked quietly
"But you have the bed." He whispered
"I know I know but I can't sleep alone.." I said but heard no response.
"Oh don't worry." I walked back to his bed and pulled the covers over my head hoping to fall asleep but a few minutes later a body joined me. Pressing their warm body against my back. Like warm breath being blown down my back.

"I'm here" Mattheo whispered in my right ear.
His clasp was firm and his hands slithered round my body. Never letting go. I wanted this forever

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