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When I arrived at the astronomy tower, I see Luna standing at the edge, making swirling gestures with her fingers imitating the clouds.
"Oh hello y/n" Luna said without turning round
"Hey Luna, I'm here for-"
"Yes I know come over here"

I cautiously walked towards her
"Y/n have you eaten?"
"No but I'm js about to go to the hall to get food then find a place to smoke"
"Oh alright, also be careful where you do it as prefects are walking around everywhere" she says
"Ok luna, thank you" I smiled at her and hugged her
"Sorry, are you a hugger?" I asked
"Not really but you could be an exception just this one" she smiled and hugged back
I gave her the money and she gave me the weed in a cute pink baggie, with sparkles and a bow.

I then left luna and walked through the large corridors towards the hall to go and eat. When I got infront of the doors about to open then, I got pushed to the floor by a boy with ginger hair and ragged clothes, a few pimples and really pale skin.
"Watch it n-new kid" he said shakily
He opens the door but I'm still on the floor so now he walks past everyone and everyone is looking at me.
I got up and started to walk to my table, brushing the dust of my ass and straightening my clothes.

I went and sat next to Blaise with Timmy next to him, pansy opposite and Draco next to her. I couldn't see Theo or Mattheo though..
"Omg how's your arm, how are you y/n, are you alright?!?" Timmy said really worried
I giggled and replied "I'm okay Timmy, thank you. The nurse said I should eat and drink a load of water."
"Have you seen Theo?" Blaise asked
"No" Draco said, munching on a huge chicken wing
"There're never on time blaise" pansy said while stuffing her face with potatoes

A few moments later, Mattheo and Theo walking in with Ophelia and seriphena. Hand to hand. Smirking and smiling. The whole hall had gone silent and all eyes on them.
The four of them sat next to us, but no one greeted them apart from Timmy
"Hey Mattheo hi Theo, are you two alright?" Timmy said in a happy voice
"Yeah we're good, thanks Tim's" Theo said
"What about us!" Ophelia said, implying her and seriphena
"What about you." Draco said
"You haven't said hi to us" seriphena said
"Because we don't like you" pansy said
"Real" Blaise said
"B-but what have we done." Ophelia cried
"It doesn't matter what we've doing Ophelia, we're dating mattheo and Theo so they're going to have to get used to us being around" seriphena said
"Your seriously dating them?" Pansy said

I was just sitting in silence eating because I can't be assed with their bullshit, I just wanna eat and smoke.

"Yes we're dating,isn't that right Mattheo baby?" Ophelia said
Mattheo didn't respond with words but he carried on eating, looking at me dead in the eyes as he were across me. Staring at me in the eyes.
"Whatever" she finished.

After a few minutes of no one talking to the bitches, they left so Draco took the chance to say
"What?" Theo said
"Why are you with them?!" I said finally
"Why'd you care." Mattheo said
"Because we're friends. And if your dating those scum bags then you can forget about me" I said tearing up

Everyone could tell I was upset by this but he didn't care
"Ok. Go then" Mattheo said
"Are you really doing this Mattheo, after EVERYTHING. All the lies. All you is bullshit." I said
"Okay y/n, fuck off then" Mattheo said
"Don't speak to her like that Mattheo" Draco warned
"Please stop fighting guys" Timmy said
"We weren't fighting. We were finishing what we had left." Mattheo said smuggly

I got up, took some biscuits off the table.
"Goodnight guys, I'm going to bed and I will see you tomorrow in class, pans I will see you later" I smiled
The boys apart from Mattheo all said night to me so I left. To go smoke FINALLY

I walked around the castle to find a perfect spot which was near hagrids shack but no so close that he'd smell it. It was on top of a little hill, There was a bench but surrounded by brambles and leaves so it was hidden. I uttered a spell to open it and to close it again. I sat on the bench and turned on the fairy lights that were inside. When the lights turned on, there was a lighter and an ashtray placed down with some Dr Pepper and Maryland cookies with a note saying,
"incase you get the munchies ~Luna"
She's so sweet, I guess she knew I was coming here.

I took a joint out of the pink baggie with sparkles and a bow and lit that shit.

1 pull

2 pull

3 pull


Shit this stuff is strong..

~20 minutes later~

There's color's everywhere and there's people talking to me. Wtf is this shit. I cant really focus. Cause the sun has gone down but there's lights everywhere, from what I can see through the brambles, the clouds are making funny shapes. Like one looks like a dog smoking a spill on top of a boat with a massive elephant. Why am I hallucinating, weed isn't a hallucigenetic. Luna warned me of this stuff but I didn't take it seriously, I can see why I should have though.

The time was somewhere between 7 and 8 so I need to be back but one let spliff won't hurt. I lit it and the fire wasn't orange but it was sparks of purple and blue. I knew hogwarts Was magical but this is some next level Tom hardy shit right here.
When I checked the time on my watch it was 10:49pm, which meant I was so fucking late to bed. I want my bed. I can't be assed to move mannn

After another twenty minutes I decided that I should leave and go sleep, so I tidied up the space and left again. I made my wand into a torch so I could see but I was stumbling everywhere. I accidentally smoked the whole 3.5..

There was a small puddle so as I looked into it, my eyes showed a bloodshot stance. Fuck
I put all my hair down and started to walk towards my dorm back in the castle.

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