Short one

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"Y/n?" A voice said
I turned my head around to see a tall boy with dark curls standing in the dark with a wand in his left hand
"Tom?" I squinted into the dark
"I've been waiting for you dear..." he replied
I stand up and put my glass on the table, rushing to the door so I don't disobey Mattheo.
When I touched the door handle, Tom had appeared in front of me , grabbing my wrist tightly and firm
"Tom what the fuck." I said through gritted teeth
He didn't say anything but gripped my throat and pushed me against the door, muttering a spell that locks the door and sound proofs the room .

"Now listen. Your going to do what I say" he said
"I-I no let go of me"
"Only if you promise not scream" he smirked

At this point I was petrified, what was he going to do to me. Was this the end of my life?! I need Mattheo

I nodded my head slightly and he let go. Then I gasped for air and chocked on my saliva.
"Who the fuck do you think you are"
"I'm Tom marvolo riddle. The greatest wizard of all time. And you are?"
"Don't ask me questions." I spat
"What do you want Tom, I've been warned not to talk to you..." I said the last bit quietly
"I want you as my first horcrux"
"Your first what?" I asked

He dragged my arm towards a chair in the middle of the room, the scenery has changed in the last two minutes, cobwebs dangle of the faint grey walls, the fireplace was no longer lit and a large table was placed at the back of the room. My arms had been found to be tied to a chair and so were my legs. Tom was holding a large oak knife and he stood infront of me.

Mattheo's pov:
I was walking out my dorm and decided to go check on y/n because why not. I don't have to give you an answer. Im Mattheo riddle and I-
A shriek came from the door next to me, the room or requirements. I could here a faint conversation from Inside so I put my ear against the door and listened carefully

Y/n pov:
He stabbed my left forearm and watched the wine red blood trickle down. My peircing shriek bellowed throughout the room, hopefully loud enough for someone to hear and rescue me. As much as Tom was fun in the beginning, he's scaring me and barely ANYTHING scares me

"T-Tom what are you doing..?" I asked, biting my lip because the pain was excruciating
"Don't question me. Slut."

All of the sudden the doors burst open and the next thing you know, it went black.

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