Chapter Two: The Unknown

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*Prince's POV*

“Sir?” A guard from my father’s personal is in the doorway of my chambers. Looking slightly nervous and disheveled from his night time patrol. 

I sigh and turn to face him, “What Travis? Does father require my appearance today?” Secretly praying it was not the case at all. I dreaded seeing my father lately. He just drones on and on about finding a wife for me, and constantly training me how to be a proper king for our kingdom, or about our ongoing wars. Im not ready for anything but to fight in the wars. Fighting is what I do best, not marriage or assuming my position of King so soon, but desperate times means desperate measures. 

Travis pauses before speaking and I’m immediately annoyed by his hesitation. “Spit it out already!” I bark out. 

He flinches, “Yes sir! Right away sir. Well... erm, there’s been a sighting.” He stutters out. 

“A sighing of what?” I ask moving closer to Travis. Ugh it’s probably another shark or something. 

“A ship. A pirate ship. Black and silver sails and a dark wooden body. In.. in Crab Cove.” He stammers.

I shake my head in disbelief. In Crab Cove? He must be joking. Patrols always deter ships from our main grounds. “A ship...” I mutter in disbelief.

“Excuse me sir?” 

“Did I hear you correctly or am I going mad!? A SHIP!? A PIRATE SHIP GOT THROUGH? What were you doing? Sleeping!? How in the seven seas did a pirate ship get through!” I roar. “Does my father know about this yet?” I angrily snarl. Flicking my emerald tail I make angry waves in the water.

I feel a little bad for being rough on Travis. He’s a new guard around here but new or not, this is a serious matter. “I... I- I don’t know sir. I was with the commander and the King. A scout from the co- cove came and told the commander quietly and sent me- me to tell you first...” he quietly added, “Telling you first, rather than the King.”

I breathe in deeply and letting air bubbles out through my nose. Trying to calm myself, I say through clenched teeth, “He can’t know about this. How many crewmen?” 

“How many crew-what?” Travis asks. 

I groan out loud and say again, “How. Many. Crewmen. On. The. Ship.” 

He stammers, “For- forty pirates.” 

Gods! Okay, gather Auora and three others. Perhaps we can compel them to leave here. I will accompany to make sure no one loses control and kills them. Do you understand? Make sure you have Auora! If she’s sleeping, wake her and tell her it is a direct order from her brother.” 

Travis nods and quickly darts away without saying another word. I must make sure my father doesn’t hear of this. His patience with the petty pirates is waining thin. He has a desire to kill them like the old times. Back when his mother reigned the throne she was mad with killing. My father overthrew his own mother and banished her and her followers away. To never return and to end the merciless killing. My father was the first to end the killing but if he loses his patience, there’s no telling.

I grab my my spear with a sharpened rock as an arrow at the tip and quickly leave my chamber. It is still early morning as I silently pray to not run into any one in the castle. I can’t risk anyone telling my father I’m leaving this early. I dart around the hallways undetected and speed towards Crab Cove. 

Brother!” A high pitched, extremely annoyed, and slightly tired voice calls out behind me. “How dare you tell someone from father’s patrol guard to wake me up this early in the morning!? And saying it is your request!” My younger sister, Auora, heading towards me. Her young face pulled together in a scowl and her shoulder-length, dark brown hair is messily tied back with a bright red ribbon. Following closely behind is a girl I have not seen before and her beauty is breathtaking. 

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