Chapter Fourteen: Necklaces- Part two

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Hey guys, the new update is actually semi on time! Yay! Might be long.. SORRYYYYYY Lots of info, crappy chapter. Trying to make a connection with Julia and Nate :O Good or bad? Hmm?

Forgot to add the dedication.. dedicated to te nicest comment, thanks a lot! :)

Nate's POV

My knuckles are turning white from my grip on Charlie's favorite bag. I'm crouched down behind a perfectly trimmed bush outside of the DeBeau's manor, using the darkness of the night to my advantage. Sudden, unwanted memories flutter into my mind and I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block it away but it comes anyway. Tears threaten on the brim of my eyes as the image of Charlie's smile smashes into my mind.

It's just a plain old tan leather bag, I had thought to myself when I handed my little sister's thirteenth birthday gift to her. Her squeel of joy echoes through my mind and soul when her eyes frist laid upon it. My body still remembers the feeling of her giving me a tight hug, while she cried tears of joy into my chest.

"I love it Nate!" She had said to me with a wobbly voice, looking up at me with moist eyes. I smiled back at her, warmth flowing through my body, knowing the bag was just the same as the most expensive pair of shoes to Charlie. Perhaps worth even more.

My chest rumbles and I realize I had growled, bringing me back out of my memories. I blinked away the hot tears and returned my stare on a grand balcony near the top of the mansion. A dark, shadowy figure appears in the doorway of the balcony and my heart pounds against my chest in a twisted excitement.

Julia DeBeau. My lips curve into a smile, my hands start to tingle unable to contain my excitement any longer.

I watch her appear onto the balcony, looking worridly up at the night sky, unable to see the full moon tonight. The shining light of the moon is blocked by heavy grey rain clouds, giving me even more darkness to hide in. Her long curly, chestnut hair whips wildly around behind her from the fierce winds and her floor length, sk nightgown flows behind her. She looks like an innocent girl, troubled by the dark but deep down inside, her heart pumps the blood of a demon.

Her eyes scan the gardens below her, sweeping over the area I'm crouched in and heads back inside to the warmth of her bedroom. As soon as Julia closes the doors of her balcony, lights dim from inside her bedroom. Stupid girl. I wait for a moment longer, waiting for a sign to come to tell me it's time to move on.

Then it came.

A crack of lighting illuminates the dark sky followed by a roar of thunder that shakes the earth's floor. I leap up out of the bush, sprinting towards the mansion. Another snap of lightening and the deafening roar of thunder comes again and I throw my grappling hook up on the balcony, hitting it's mark.

Rain has started to fall making it harder, and more dangerous, for me to climb up the wall. Cursing, I begin to climb anyways, my black leather boots struggle to hold a firm grip. The palms of my hand scream out in agony from the rope but I press on through the pain. Finally, I reach the balcony just in time two gaurds round the corner of the garden.

One of them has pure white hair and a greying beard who had just stepped in a muddy puddle. "Oh for the love of- Bloody hell! Now my sock has gotten wet too! I say, Miss. DeBeau has lost her mind; making us gaurd the oustide in this weather. Just because her precious daughter has gone mad with invisable worry!" He complains outloud, his deep voice echoing.

The other guard, one with short, dark hair hisses at his partner, "Shut your mouth Gregg! She has plenty a reason to be worried. She is, after all, a very powerful heiress!" He scolds.

The man with white hair replies but his voice is covered by the sound of rain as they walked away, not once looking up towards Julia's balcony. How they were hired, I would never know.

Silently I look into her bedroom and I see her curled up inside of her bed, already sleeping soundly. I carefully pick open the lock on the doors leading to the outside, which was very easy to my surpise. Soaking wet, I creep inside, careful to not make a sound.

Julia DeBeau is deep asleep and her thin, rose colored lips are partially open revealing perfect teeth. Her curly hair is off to the side, tied with a satan yellow ribbon. She's surrounded by plush silk pillows and covered in a pure white and blue silk blanket set. Covered in wealth.

My heart stops, suddenly frozen with a building rage. Every muscle in my body screams out for her blood to be spilled but I know I cannot kill her just yet.

Her room is unsurpisingly decorated with only the finest of the fine materals from all over the world. I notice her massive dresser is made from a beautifully cut maple wood with shiny silver knobs. Her large, king sized four poster bed is made from the same type of wood, along with the two night tables on both sides. The tables are draped with a white lace cloth mounted with a large box filled with expensive jewelery and next to it a golden candle holder studded with a choice of rubies.

I approach closer to the sleeping, unaware Julia. My eyes flicker towards her exposed, pale neck and I can't help grasp the hilt of my dagger, wanting to use it to slit her neck. My eyes snap to her face when she emits a short gasp, and opens her eyes. In one swift movement I clasp my hand over her mouth, strangling her scream but instead she does not scream. She does not make the slighest sound, only looks at me with her chocolate brown eyes.

"Hello, love." I smile, removing my hand from her mouth.

She laughs a muscial laugh, "Love? How disgustingly piratey of you." She scowls, her thin arched eyebrows pull together in annoyance. Her eyes however, betray her emotionless face with fear swimming strongly in them.

Engraged I lift my hand to slap her but she gasps and holds my arm firmly in the air. "You would dare not to strike a lady!"

It was my turn to laugh, "A lady?" I hiss at her. "Such a lady would know better to not make the Black Diamond's Captian upset!"

"And such a captian should know not to steal from a lady as well!" She spits back, retracting her arms crossing them over her chest. "Are- are you staring at me!" Her voice rises in a shriek.

I smirk. "Well, your breasts are looking rather dashing in the night gown you're wearing... My Lady." I add with a bow, again taking a bold look at her perfectly, rounded breats. "You knew I was coming." I remark, and with an added effect a crash of lightening and thunder rolls across the sky; lighting up the room for a moment.

Julia rolls her eyes, "Of course I did! Your bastard of a sister took my necklace! And-" She smirks, "She went missing the very. Same. Night."

She lets out a startled cry of pain when I slapped her hard across the cheek. "Don't you ever talk about Charlie again you filthy whore!"

Julia starts to open her mouth to scream for help but I strike her once in the back of the head and she slumps forward into my arms, back to sleep.


"How dare you keep me in this manner! I will not be treated this way!" Julia's english voice echos down the halls of my ship, finally waking up from her slumber.

I open the door and enter my quaters where she was kept locked throughout the night. I don't hide my gawfing laugh when I see the state she's in. Her curly hair is unkept, and tangled badly. She has a dried stream of drool down her chin and the side of her face is red from sleeping heavily on her side.

I point to my own chin, signaling to her of her drool. Her face turns beet red as she hurridly wipes it away with her sleeve. "Now, if you want some breakfast..." I pause for effect, "You'll help me with anything I need."

"No!" She shrieks, hurling my favorite pillow towards my head, but misses.

"Good aim, not very lady-like." I sneered at her. She huffs and turns away from me, still sitting on my bed.

My hand twitches towards my blade again but I make a fist, fighting against the urge to kill her. "You need to shave." She says suddenly, her voice soft.

I growl, "Shut up. I'm not a man of society that sleeps in your bed at night."

Her soft voice is gone, replaced by her anger again. "How dare you speak to me this way!" Her voice reaching her highest pitch of volume.

"I'll speak to you any way I want!" I roar at her, closing the gap between us in three strides. She instantly shrinks back against the wall, slightly tembling. "Until you return my sister to me, you will not be leaving here! Do you understand!"

She blinks at me, confused. "Return her to you? I don't have her you ignorant oaf! What the remaining theif brother told me was that a spear stuck to the side of her pulled her underwater!"

"Why the necklace! Why are they connected to the Mermaids?"

She rolls her eyes again, "I don't need to tell you."

I lean down to her, our noses touching. "Yes, yes you will."

Her bottom lip quivers, "I- well," she takes a breath, regaining her posture, "if you have both of them, you can destory them..." She looks away from me, sudden pain crosses her face.

"And why do you want to destory the mermaids?" my voice turning soft.

She looks at me again, with such saddness in her eyes but they turn hard again. "Don't call them that!"

"And why not, Princess."

"That makes them sound, pretty," she spits out the word in distaste. "Something you would hear in fairytales, but they're monsters." Her voice cracks, turning into barely a whisper. "Monsters that took everything from me..."

I extend my hand towards her and she flinches away from me, but I make sure I assure her I cause no harm. "Then my lady, we had just become allies."

"Allies, with you?" She barks out a single laugh.

"Yes, allies. To destory the... Beasts of the Sea."

A few moments go by in silence before she places her hand in mine, "Okay." She breaths. "But I demand breakfast, now."

Didn't see that happening did ya? HA, hopefully that worked the way I wanted it to be.

See, Nate isn't ALL evil... a surpising element thrown in! So the effect I wanted was in the beginning I made Nate totally murderous towards Julia but then they find common ground so boom, he's back to his soft caring self, that you have not quite seen yet. Only hints of it in this chapter.



Update... at... 605? Lol

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