Chapter Four: Dangerous Waters

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I enjoyed writing this chapter :) It's entirely in the prince's POV. Charlie will come back in the next chapter. I hope you enjoy and feel free to crique my work! 


Swimming down the corridor I look for Aurora so I can ask her to find Radiance for me. Since I have gotten my father’s approval a few days ago, I have spent most of the days preparing myself to tell her I want her as my mate. While reading, I had discovered mermaids can only have one mate for their lives. They can only conceive once in their lives as well. Most of the mermaids only have one child and it is rare to have two. Only mermaids with Royal blood can breed more than once. There’s more to this royal stuff than I had thought. I also discovered that towards the birthing of a new mermaid/ merman, the mother slowly loses her scales and grows legs. A painful process. Once all the scales are gone the new child is born. 

The process sounds so painful that I don’t want to put my mate through that. Put Radiance through that. I wonder if she would want children... I look down at the golden swirls on the side of my waist and they are a shocking contrast against my  silvery-blue scales. Although, the gold confuses me and I wonder why it is not the lovely red like Radiance’s tail. I shrug internally and continue to swim along filling my thoughts with Radiance’s stunning face. 

I stop a passing servant and ask where my younger sister is this morning. “I am not sure my Prince. I will keep an eye out for her if you would like.” his tone is nervous and he seems anxious to swim away. Raising my eyebrow I give him my thanks and send him back on his way. That was odd. I shake my head and continue on. Our castle is massive and has many twists and turns. A mermaid can easily get around lost here. 

Seaweed and algae grow along the castle walls, covering the expertly sculptured marble walls. Beds of coral grow off the tops of the walls and many underwater plant life grow on these massive beds. The brightly colored coral beds also act as our ceilings and roof so we are perfectly hidden from the petty human world.  Many vibrant colored schools of fish and crab live within the castle walls since it’s the safest place from fishermen. We are all friends with the fish and we do not eat them... anymore. We mainly eat seaweed, certain types of crab, and clam that grow close to the shorelines of the mainlands, which is dangerous sometimes. Fortunately we had found a cove that is hidden from humans; except for that one day that a pirate ship had gotten through. 

Several schools of fish swim up next to me and politely saying hello and swim playfully around me. I laugh and swim up close to the ceilings. Swimming on my back and creating a current with my tail to push me down the hall. Lightly floating down the hallway, making small talk with the fish. None of them knew where my sister was sadly, but I was enjoying my time with them none the less. They also congratulate me as I have found my mate. They swam all around me and my vision became blocked with their colored tails and bodies. I laughed as I swam away and they chased after me.

As we all traveled down the long corridor the fish started to dash away. Each of them in their high pitched voices saying goodbye and speed away. Odd. I didn’t have a chance to ask the fish why they are leaving because I was alone in a matter of seconds. How strange. I continue swimming and hear a memorizing voice singing. A melody so beautiful that it grabs ahold of my attention like a poison. The melody wraps around me and warmth fills my heart. A eerie calmness takes over me and a smile grows on my face. A mermaid’s voice is like magic and can control anybody if practiced. 

Listening closely I realize I know this song. This is a forbidden song; a song that many do not know. Someone is singing the Death Call, the song we use to lure humans down and drown them. Panic sets in and I sprint as fast as I can towards the music. As I approach closer I start to hear the words of the song.

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