Chapter Thirteen: Torture

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Oh wow, it's finally here.. It's shitty, but here. After the chapter there will be some additonal info just in case you have forgotten some information. It's bloody... kind of gruesome or at least I tried to make it to be.

Dedicated to rain because she's given me a lot of support on this story, and seems to be the #1 fan? Super sweet comments as well! THANKS!!!!!

(Edited a bit, made Nate more... crazy?)



The sweet pain spreads like fire through the knuckles in my hand when my hand connects, once again, with the bloody cheek of the pathetic sap who lets out a strangled cry. Satisfaction builds in my stomach from the gaining pain then, turning my back on the man, I recollect my thoughts. I hear him behind me, sputtering out blood, groaning in pain. I take in a shuttering deep breath, looking down at the bloody mess that is my hand. I'm not sure whose blood is who on my hand and I break out in a small smirk. Memorized by the shocking color of blood, I lift my hand infront of my face, admiring it as the thick liquid drips slowly down my arm.

I snap out of my trance from the weak plea that sounds out behind me. "Please... why are you doing this..." the man stops, coughing up more blood. "I didn't do anything, let me go..." I've held him here, down in the brig of my damaged ship for the past three days. No food, no water, no sunlight. I found him easily, sipping his expensive bottle of rum without a care in the world, entertaining some very fetching ladies. I still remember his shocked expression when he saw me approaching him and the shrieks of the women after I knocked him out cold.

My eyes turn into slits, turning around to face him again my anger seeps through every pore on my body. He's slumped forward in the chair with his hands tied behind him with a special rope that if he tries to break free it will only cut into his wrists. I paid a good amount of silver and even one gold coin for that rope. Just for him.

His blonde hair sticks to the side of his face, glued on by dried, and fresh, blood. He's bleeding heavily from a cut above his eyebrow caused by one too many anger fueled punches delivered by me. His right eye is swollen shut as with the rest of his face, unrecognizable to anyone, even by me. I smile again. Knowing that his face will never be the same again, a permeant warning to everyone to what happens to a man who interfers with The Black Diamond Crew.

I open my mouth to speak but coming from my right, another voice signals to me that my other guest has awoken. "What- I... where am I? Nate? What the bloody hell is going on here!" The man's voice shakes slightly trying, and failing, to cover up his fear. I smile even bigger.

"Hello Captain Tobias Bridge." I spit out the word captain as if it were acid on my tongue. He's chained to the wall of my ship's brig wall and the chains rattle loudly when he realizes where he is. I found him only just this morning at the local bar, laughing loudly, already drunk at eleven am.

"Release me now!" He roars, fighting against the heavy clamps holding him back from freedom. "What do you think you're doing!"

In one swift movement I unsheathe my sword and press it up against Tobais' neck and he shuts his mouth closed instantly. Fear grows in his small, beady-like grey eyes, mixing in with anger when I nick the side of his neck with my blade. "You'll do what... Captain?" I spit in his face and he yells in disgust, turning his head away from me. "You're just as pathetic as your son."

I watch his eyes flicker to the man who has been reduced to a sack of meat. His eyes grow big, mouth gaping open and roars again. "What have you done!?" Still trying to fight against the chains.

I let out a laugh and punch his son in the stomach, and his son lets out a strangled sob. Fool. Weak, pathetic fool, I snarl inside of my head. Both of them are fools to think they can rob me blind and get away with it. I will let them live, I vow silently, let them live but make an example out of them to the world.

I grab the collar of Johnny's shirt and meet his eyes with a mean glare. He lets out a meek whimper of fear and squeezes his good eye closed. "Where. Is. Charlie." When he doesn't respond I let him out of my grasp and turn towards Tobias who looks at me with bloodshot eyes. I walk slowly over to him, my boots thudding against the wooden floor unevenly, unable to walk in a stright line. "Tell me Johnny, before anyone else gets hurt." I sing over, then I laugh at my foolishness.

"No, please. I don't know anything." Johnny finally breaks down into a sobbing mess. His tears mixes in with the blood on his face making his face look wild with streaks of blood.

"Why must you lie to me Johnny!" I suddenly yell, causing him to flinch. "Johnny! My god, why?" I laugh and press my blade deep into Tobias' arm drawing the beautiful red liquid out of his arm. I stare at the liquid, again memorized by it's rare beauty. Tobias bites into his lip, only letting a small growl slip through as he gives me a cold stare. "Now tell me the truth!" I roar again, tearing my eyes away from his arm.

My shoulders start to tremble with anticipation, ready to dig the tip of my blade deeper into his arm but I stop myself. Not yet... he has to be alive still, I chant to myself, fighting over control of my own arm, preventing it to press the blade in deeper.

"Please..." Johnny weakly coughs, slowly losing conciousness.

With a growl of fustration I whirl around and deliver a bone crushing punch straight into his nose. I feel the fragile bone crack and snap under my fist. Johnny lets out a cry of pain before instantly falling silent from unconsciousness. I straighten myself up and wipe a few drips of his blood off my face. I swiftly leave the room, slamming the heavy metal door closed, ignoring the yells from an enraged Tobias.


Back in the solitude of chambers, I splash bone chilling cold water onto my face, wiping it clean of dirt and blood. I wince when I lift my arms above my shoulders. Im careful to not tear the stitches along the side of my stomach, a wound I have received during the attack.

Looking up into the small mirror I meet my reflection in the mirror, my golden eyes are cold and hard with no trace of a soul left inside me. I feel equally empty, completely hollow inside. Dark hairs of a growing beard covers half of my face and my hair is a ragged mess. My cheeks are starting to look like they're sucked in from the lack of food I have eaten. Ever since Charlie was stolen away from me just a week ago I have been on a rampage looking for her. It's been my new obsession. Sweat clings onto my forehead as I continue to gaze into my own darkness through my eyes...

I had sent Howell out to find the cruelest of cruel men to be apart of my crew a few days ago. Out of forty men I had lost twenty two of them, fifteen of which has gone missing the others had their throats slit while they were asleep. I assume the fifteen have deserted me and when I find them, they'll meet death the very same day. The new men I hired are the kind of men that Hell has reserved special spots for them when they die. They currently are working to rebuild my ship with the threat of death if they choose to desert me. They're also the kind of men to just kill without question, which is perfect.

A knock on my door breaks the stare of my own reflection and I open the door with a growl. Howell stands in the doorway, nervously figiting with his emerald colored shirt. "We be ready to sail in two nights Captain." He boldly announces. "Where will be headin'?"

I give him a blank stare, unsure what to say. "Stay at port. I'm not finished with these bags of meat."

"Meat sir?" He takes a timid step forward.

I run my fingers through my knotted hair and sigh which turned into a rumbling growl. "The two sniveling whelps whom of which shouldn't even be concidered men that are downstairs in the brig Howell. Those bags of meat. After I'm done with them every pirate crew will fear us."

"Sir, before ye be able to get anything out of dem, dey be dead!" Howell clears his throat, looking away.

"Are you questioning me Howell?" I take a step forward but he stays in place, unafraid or just stupid.

"No sir." He promply replies. "But I fear ye not be right in the head. Yer not a cruel man Nate."

I ignore him and turn my back on him. "He knows something. That boy, Johnny knows. He wanted Charlie for himself!" My voice raising in sharp, bitter anger. "The night Charlie is gone, we are attacked and she comes running back in time. She knew too but was too late. He knew this was going to happen!"

Howell eyes me carefully, unsure what to say so I continue. "They'll pay. We're going to take Captain Tobias Bridge's money, burn his ship, kill his crew and leave his son barely alive or even human for that matter."

"His crew? Captain dis be goin' too far now." Howell weakly objects.

"GET OUT OF HERE! You do not question your captain! Now go make sure Johnny's awake. I just got an idea for that pig." I shove the door closed and walk over to my weapon's chest and take out a long, curved blade to sharpen. This is their last chance to comply or the Captain will lose his head. Tonight.

~Five hours later~

"No wait please!" Johnny screams for mercy. I had one of my new men threaten to chop of his fingers, one by one.

"Speak now or forever hold your peace Johnny." I mock in his voice. Johnny's face is even more swollen and his nose is broken badly with a constant flow of blood coming from it. His arms are stained an ugly yellow and deep purple from large bruises, covering every part of his arm. I'm sure several of his ribs are broken, dangerously poking close to his lungs. He struggles to take in a breath and always coughs up blood afterwards.

He chokes on a sob and shakes his head. More tears fall when he looks up at me, "Please... I didn't know."

"You didn't know or don't know?" I whisper in his ear. He doesn't respond right away and I slam my foot into his stomach. He curls up into a ball onto the ground. I accidentally broke his chair earlier today when I threw him across the room, into his father whom still hasn't woken up from that. "You don't really need your last finger, do you?" I ask him, rasing an eyebrow.

"What?" Johnny makes the connection in his head and rolls onto his knees, begging my mercy. "No wait! WAIT! I DIDN'T KNOW!" Johnny shrieks in absolute terror. His eyes widden, his pupils dilate, watching a shiny new hammer and the grunt who wields it. My new crewman snatches his arm and holds it still. I nod my head and the newly shaped hammer falls down onto his pinky, severing it from his hand.

He lets out a blood-curdling scream of pain and retracts his hand to his chest. His blood spills all over the floor, staining it a dark red, proof of his misery. I watch him suffer with a surpising calmness, smiling on the inside. He curls into a ball whimpering, twitching on the floor from the pain.

With my boot I kick his severed pinky back over to Johnny who eyes it carefully with tears falling freely from it. He whimpers when I pick him up by his shirt, lifting his seemingly weightless body effortlessly off the ground. "Now, if you want to lose another finger. You will tell me what you know." I growl.

"The brothers. They- they came to me from Julia Debeau's orders. She wanted Charlie dead for stealing her necklace. It was special to her, it had special powers! Please! Thats all!"

"Powers?" I ask, pressing my blade into his neck.

"She said- said that... it was connected to the Beasts of the Sea. Please." He sobs, bowing his head.

I drop him onto the floor with a thump, staring straight into nothing. Debeau? They sent them for a stupid necklace?! Beasts of the Sea, mermaids? I finally realize my missing crew members didn't abandon me but they might have drowned from Mrs. Debeau' s cowardly actions. I drop to my knees and let out a soul splitting scream of fury and within that scream, a vow to kill every Debeau in existence and to get my hands onto that necklace. That necklace will lead me to her then, to Charlie.

-The brothers are the famous Theif Brothers from the chapter Set up

-The necklace was in chapter one, the one Charlie stole

-Nate has LOST IT

-The necklace, and Julia Debeau, will all be tied in together soon!!

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