Chapter Twenty-One: Desire

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Welcome folks. Glad to see youre joining in for the next chapter. You guys picked Charlie/Shimmer's POV so that is exactly what this chapter is going to be. 

Dedicated to XxistolecookiexX ;) 

The book is coming to a close then I plan to start a second. I need a new cover made for the next one! Send me your creations and if I like it I will use it. I'm not good at making covers... The title for the second one will be Darkness Arising. All I ask from you to include the title and a mermaid with a golden tail. Or a dark outline of one.... which ever. :)

I followed Emmet back to Aurora's room, deeply ashamed of myself for revealing Radiances mothers secret. As soon as I had said it Radiance had given me, and her mother, a look of horror and betrayal that shook me at my core. I regreted every word I said and wished desperately to take it all back. Her face twisted in pain and it's an image that will stay embedded into my mind forever. 

Radiance's mother had promptly fainted after her daughter shrieked so loudly and claimed she hated her. The Queen heard Radiance's cries of betrayal while on her way to her chambers and rushed to see what was going on. Aurora started to sob, overwhelmed by the events that took place and terrified of what the prohecy had said. She clasped her hands over her mouth and shook her head as if to rid herself of the truth. 

Emmet rushed to Radiance's side to help her settle down while I just wished I faded away against the wall. I didn't realize that I was crying as well until I felt my eyes swell and redden. Aurora shot me a pained look and I felt through our bonds she felt terrible for what she did to Radiance. 

"You all must leave, I'll take her to my chamber to rest. Aurora, take Radiance to her room in the castle. Have her settle." Queen Thalassa ordered. When Aurora hesitated, her mother raised her voice at her and Aurora flintched violently before taking Radiance away. "Emmet, take Charlie away." Radiance shot me a pained look over her shoulder which made my heart shatter before Emmet grabbed my arm. 

Emmet led me over to my bed and sat next to me with his silvery tail curled around me. I look up at him and give him a wobbly smile but it crumbles away. Emmet, to my much surprise, curls his tail tighter which pulls me in closer to him. I let myself fall up against his shoulder my eyes starting to swell once again with fresh tears.

Akwardly he places his hand on my shoulder and murmers in my ear. "Is that what you were afraid of?" He asks gently, remembering our conversation from earlier this morning. 

I feel a comforting warmth spread from his fingertips onto my shoulder, traveling down my arm. Letting myself melt from the heat I move closer to him, and I just nod my head against his chest. His lips pressed together in a thin line, deep in thought but looks away from me. "Her mother told me one of us will die... one of us has to die for the ocean to live. Or else the Darkness will arise, she said. She told me to keep quiet about it in hopes the prohecy wouldn't begin but..." Unable to say anything more I just close my eyes, wishing I could forget everything.

My body pressed against his seemed to crave for him, crying out for him to touch me. I stroked his strong arm and he shuttered against my touch, taking in a sharp breath. My heart is thumping madly against my chest, so hard that it hurts. I want him, no I need him, I thought to myself as the warmth spreads.

He looks sharply at me with his smokey eyes peircing through my body and soul. He looked at me with a dark intesnity inside and it took every part of my will power to not look away. Suddenly he closed his eyes and jerked away from me.

"No!" I choke out, grasping his arm. "Please..." I silently pleaded. I felt him stuggle with his emotions, fighting back a strange desire to wrap me into his arms. A desire that I shared with him. In this moment I knew he felt the same as I felt for him. A feeling of something I had yet to discover. 

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