Chapter Ten: Swim Practice

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Ugh so, my computer crashed and lost the first copy of chapter 10 which was amazing and slightly funny. I tried my best to rewrite it but honestly it came out not nearly as well. I got fusterated and mad lol. Although, here you go and enjoy. Leave your thoughts and VOTES please! 

Charlie’s View

“Ohh! I like that name!” The musical voice of Aurora bounds back into my mind. “Charlie Diamond. It has a nice musical ring to it!” 

I look past Emmet to the mouth of the cave but I don’t see Aurora anywhere. Where are you? I ask, my eyes darting to every part of the cave. 

I hear her giggle inside my head, which is still creepy. “I’m outside, but I’ll come in.” Not a moment later she floats back into the cave with her shiny lilac colored tail and extremely long, light brown hair flowing behind her. She’s really, really pretty with her big eyes, round face, and small, plump, rose colored lips. She smiles a dazzling smile of victory when she stops beside her brother. They look remarkably similar despite their different colored hair and tail. 

How come you guys have such different colored hair and you’re related? I timidly ask, unsure if that was offensive. 

Aurora laughs and smiles brightly. “No, that wasn’t offensive. Our hair color or eye color usually matches our tails. Colors mean nothing for being related, although there are cases where a child will almost match perfectly to their mother like a friend of mine.” 

So the colors are just random? I ask again.


Oh. So, how can you tell whose related and whose not? 

Emmet steps in and raises his tail for me to see. “These faint lines are what tells us which family, or rather clan, we come from. My sister and I both have the same marks, as well as our parents. Marks of royalty and these three, almost wavy lines, are what shows others which clan we are. This is the Calida Clan, which means Warm Waters in your human language.” 

I’m stunned at their knowledge of Latin. That’s sounds like Latin! 

He smiles, “Yes, what you call Latin is our old language.” 

This is too much to absorb. My head struggles to believe that our language came from mermaids. The colors, the markings, mermaid clans? There’s a whole other universe down here and we haven’t had a clue! 

“Yes, there are several clans in the ocean. Four to be exact.” Emmet starts, reading my mind. “We are the main clan, the largest. The king and queen, as you already know, resides here. The other clans have their own rulers but their rulers are in alliance with us. We used to be a strong and mighty race but thousands of years ago, a human changed merman reveled our existence to humans.” Emmet continues. “He’s now rumored to be with the Elder, or he’s just dead.” 

Aurora slowly comes closer to me and I fight every urge to move backwards away from her, she gently grabs my hand and holds it. I eye her warily as she starts to pull me through the water. “Do you feel your tail?” she asks, and I nod my head. “Good, so try to move it like your legs are tied together. They kind of are.” She giggles again. 

I try to do what she says and act as if my legs are still there. I watch as my own tail rises and falls again suddenly, pushing me forward with strong force. Luckily, Aurora still held onto my hand, preventing me from crashing into the cave wall. 

Oh my god, I did it! I say happily. I turn my head to meet Aurora’s eyes but her eyes are open in surprise. What? Is something wrong? 

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