Chapter Fourteen: Necklaces-Part One

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Heyy guys :) Thanks so much for the votes and comments, I really appreciate that from you all. The comments really do keep me going.

I'm a little excited to write this chatper. Will be in Nate and Charlie's view, however this chapter will be spilt in two. So part two, will be Nate's view. The chapters are connected to thats why Im splitting them... Make sense?

Thanks ya'll and please keep commenting and VOTING :) I was told by someone that I needed to DEMAND the votes from you.. Lol? Only vote if you enjoyed the story and if you want to see what happens in the next chapter..... bribe ;)

Here you go. (Remember sentences that are like
this form is just the mermaids speaking "inside Charlie's head" I have added "" to the sentences now too.. I plan to go back to my chapters to change it all since I'm finally writing on a computer)

Charlie's POV

Queen Thalassa grasps my hand with her, giving me a gentle squeeze. "Thank you for the lovely chat. You seem to be an outstanding little human." She finishes with a warm smile.

I have just told her everything about the transformation that I went through. The searing pain that I felt when my legs started to bond together and the overwhelming feeling of sickenss when my scales started to form along my body. I also told her about the link me and Aurora seem to have that came with Aurora transforming me. When I finished explaining about the "link" we had, the Queen seemed to be surpised but had said nothing about it.

I had also been careful to give no indication to who I really am. A person that well, rather a pirate, who has hunted their kind for many, many years. Thankfully the Queen had not asked me anything about my past and stuck to listening about the transformation and my days spent at the cave.

Aurora explained to her mother about my swimming skills, beaming proudly as she spoke about how she "trained" me. As she spoke about my skill, the Queen seemed to be impressed but also had a certian look in her eyes that also indicated something else. I had hoped while I was speaking, I would not say anything that would give the Queen any slight reason to end my life.

While I was explaining, Emmet remained silent, only speaking a few words with a hard scowl on his face. He mentioned nothing about how I was injured and that only Aurora and him were just there when I plummeted into the ice cold water during the chaos. I picked up on Aurora's emotions leaking through our bond, and found it odd that she would be nervous while Emmet was speaking. I faintly remember being injured, only knowing that somehow I had a severe wound to my side and remembering falling over the side of my ship.

The Queen released my hand, turning to face Aurora with her lips pursed in a thin line. "Well my young daughter," she paused briefly, as to collect her thoughts. Meanwhile Aurora's heartbeat was beating madly against her chest. "You do know that you could have died from this foolish, childish act of yours."

My stomach twisted and my heart leapt up into my throat. Oh no... I glanced over at Aurora whom had a panicked expression. She returned my stare and sent me a wobbly smile.

"Mother I... I just couldn't let he- Charlie just..." Aurora stuttered out but stopped when her mother raised a delicate hand up.

"Let me finish..." Aurora nodded, remaining quiet. "As foolish and dangerous your actions have been... I have never beem more proud of you." The Queen glances over her shoulder, giving me a beautiful smile.

I just gape at the Queen, unable to move or even think. I'm just stunned that she has... well, accepted me. "Thank you mother..." Aurora whispers, she herself in shock.

I look over at Emmet and noticed that his face has melted into a less hard scowel. His shoulders even look less riggid and tense, letting out a sigh. My eyes linger onto his face for a second longer than intended, thinking about how his face looks more handsome when he isn't so serious.

"Oh! We must change your name dear." Queen Thalassa speaks suddenly. "My mate, the King, must not know what has been done." She adds in, her voice laced with a touch of pain.

I frown, confused. "Why?" I realise as soon as I said it, how stupid I must have sounded to the Queen.

"He would never allow another human in our kingdom. I am fearful of what he might do to you if he were to find out about you." She responds grimly.

Finally, Emmet speaks up again with an edge to his voice, "As I have already told you about the last human to have been changed. The one who had revaled our existance to the humans, the reasoning as to why they aren't allowed anymore because they are not to be trusted."

You mermaids aren't to be trusted,
I think back to him bitterly, stung by his harsh words, but still keeping it to myself. I hate how he has an effect on my emotions, stupid creature.

The Queen laughs, sounding like beautiful muscial bells. "Oh my son, she is of no harm to us." She meets my eyes, "She has but only a good soul in her."

Touched by her kind words, I'm at a loss of what to say so i give her a small, meaningful smile. She smiles back.

"It's very late now, your father must be wondering where I am. Aurora."

Aurora immedately glances up from playing with strands of her hair, "Yes mother?"

"Take Charlie to your chambers, she will stay with you until you figure out an excuse to why Charlie is here and a new name for her as well."

Aurora's face brightens, "Of course!" she squeels.

Queen Thalassa nods to us and turns away, leaving us with one graceful flick of a tail. Emmet immedately follows her out of the room without another word.

"Come on, I'm really tired. You must be too." Aurora tugs on my hand, pulling me towards her chambers to get some sleep.

As she dragged me through the water, down the seemingly endless coral walled hallways, my emotions have become numb. I'm gratefully happy that the Queen of the ocean, their mother, has taken a liking to me but what happens now? Or what happens after they give me a new name and a new story along with it? Who will I be here? Where will I live or rather how will I live? Who will be my friends, or will I be alone down here?

Who will be my family?

~The next morning~

"Charlie!" Aurora's voice whispers harshly into my dream. "Are you awake?" Her voice echos out again through my blissful dream. Her voice ringing out through the clear blue skies of my dreamworld, waking me up, taking me back off of Nate's ship. "Charlie! Wake up."

I open my eyes half way, adjusting to the light shining through the ocean waters. Then, in a blink of an eye Aurora pops up in front of my face with a wide smile. She laughs histerically when I accadently launched myself backwards with my tail, hitting my head painfully against the coral walls.

"What!" I hiss at her, rubbing my head where I hit it. "I'm awake now!"

Aurora's face falls, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She says apologetically. (Did I spell that right)

I roll my eyes, then fell a little bad for getting angry. "It's alright." I sigh in defeat.

"I brought breakfast!" Her mood returning back to her happy, normal self. She holds up a makeshift seaweed bag filled with different water plants, clams, and crab legs. I swear I saw a starfish in there somewhere.

She gently floats down to sit next to me on the coral and thick seaweed bed, cracking open an clam. I sit myself up and reach for a clam, not wanting to try anything else. As I start to eat alongside with Aurora, there's finally enough light for me to see around properlly.

Similar to her mother's private room, Aurora's chambers have walls that are all made up of coral, filled in with large, carved marble and smooth stone that provide extra support. Her room is magnificent, and I wonder how it was made. Magic slips into my mind but I quickly shove it away, I don't believe in magic.

More coral act like the ceiling of her room, and I assume the rest of the castle. The castle doesn't look like a normal human castle. This castle has been carved into the side of a massive underwater cliff, miles and miles deep down in the ocean. So deep, that light shouldn't even be able to reach down this far but some how the light manages to find it's way. Light always manages to find its way through the darkest of the dark. Somehow, that provides me with some comfort knowing that if light can reach down here, then the surface isn't really that far away.

After awhile of eating in silence, a voice appears just outside of Aurora's chamber. "So what's her name again?" A female voice, Aurora gasps looking sharply up from her meal.

Emmet's voice replies nervously, "Uh, I have seem to forgotten the new mermaid's name!" He said "name" a little louder than usual, making me realise I needed to pick a name fast.

"It's my brother and his potenial mate!" She frantically tells me through our own link. The feeling of disappointment washes over me, mate? Emmet has a mate... "Are you listening to me Charlie!"

I look up, "Uh, should I hide?"

"Too late! Look casual!"
Aurora sits up straight and flashes a smile towards her brother that has now entered, followed by another mermaid.

My eyes meet hers, locking in an intense gaze but then she looks quickly away out of shyness. My entire body freezes, my tail turning riggid accadently knocking down the bag of food. The mermaid's hair is the most vibrant color of red I have ever seen. Her round eyes are a memorizing, unforgettable emerald color that pops from the shocking contrast of her hair. She flicks her firey red and orange tipped tail softly through the water, slowly moving behind Emmet to hide from my stare.

I know her! My subconcious screams at me, telling me to open my eyes. Where have I seen her before! Her eyes, her round face and her red hair. I know it! But where have I seen her before? How could this even be possible? Shes familiar but yet something is different about her...

"Hi Emmet, hey Radiance! I'd like you to meet..."
Aurora trails off, waiting for me to say a name but I don't take my eyes off of her, Radiance. "Shimmering Coral- shes past the colder waters and obviously from the White Corals clan, as her name indicates." She laughs nervously.

"Hello Shimmer," Radiance speaks, still visably cringing from my intense stare, "it's very nice to meet you." Her eyes travel down to my tail then turns back around to Emmet, her face darkening from an unknown reason. As she moved closer with Emmet, my eyes snap onto her neck from a sudden shining object that reflected the light into my eyes.

Oh my god... The realization slaps me in the face. My blood runs cold, fear trickles up and down my spine... Shes wearing the necklace...

The same blue crystal necklace that was in the painting... at Johnny's mansion.


AND THERE IT IS FOLKS. A connection about the necklaces... If you aren't sure about that part, please refer to the chapter called Set Up- its towards the beginning you'll find the part about the necklace and the painting and the memories...

So WHO is Radiance? Is she actually the mermaid that was HOLDING the child in the painting or...



Radiance is somewhat connected to one of Charlie's crew memebers... can you guess who?

Leave your comments below, I love to hear them! I may not respond to everyone but please believe me when I tell you that each one means a lot to me.

I will dedicate the next chapter to one of the most nicest commenters ever... I saw that an author did that with her story so I plan to do it with this one. Connecting with the audience ;)

Update at... 550 votes. (I'll try my best)

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