Chapter 6 - "Rush-ing to the scene"

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Chapter six - "Rush-ing to the scene"


"Ah... Shall I get the door, Love?" Figure said as we both stood up.

"Nah it's fine, I'll get the door," I said, wiping the sweat off my forehead. I'm having a pretty hard time breathing, and my heart pounding. I Open the door and see Ambush standing there, staring at us in horror and shock.

"Oh. Well hey there, Ambush... Is there anything you need?" I Said staring back at him.

"Haha... Hey mate. I was originally here to check up on you to ask if you wanted to join me and the other entities for tea and crumpets. But I assume that you and Figure are busy. Well, actually I don't assume. I heard everything, you really need to learn how to be quiet. I mean, Imagine if Screech was at the door. Anyway. You two get cleaned up, I don't want splurge anywhere on the walls." Ambush floated away, scoffing.

"Err... Well, that totally wasn't akward. Anyway, where were we pretty boy~?" I said, shutting the door and walking back to Figure.

"Seek, dear we should probably get cleaned up and meet up with the rest of the entities." Figure said, feeling around the room and looking for me.

"You have to be so elegant and classy right after you banged me? Wow. Anyway, you're right. Let's get you cleaned up."  I said, fixing the bed.

"I really hope we didn't make a mess.." Figure said, tossing his head around. His face looked worried.

"I didn't make any mess, but you sure did~ But we can get it cleaned up pretty quick. Why don't you freshen up while I tidy the room."

"Alright love." Figure said, walking over to his personal bathroom, closing the door.

"MATE YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THI-" I say, bursting into the room in excitement. Suddenly I stopped, I saw Jack and Rush. Jack was in tears, he looked like someone just ripped his heart into 100 pieces.

"Uhh, is this wrong timing?" I say, my smile fades.

"No. You're fine, Ambush." Jack says, running off. Tears pooled out of his eyes.

"JACK WAIT-" Rush says, attempting to run after him. But Jack slammed the door in Rush's face.

"I'm so fucking stupid.." I say, crying near a closet. "I can't believe I'd actually think he'd like me.. I'm outrageous.."

"Oh no... What happened?" Says a voice from a closet.

"HUH? WHO'S THERE?" I shriek, turning to look at the closet.

"Jack, relax. It's me; Hide." Says the voice from the closet.

"Oh, hey hide.." I say as tears pooled my eyes again. I'm practically slurring my words.

"I tried to confess to Rush, you know I told you... And Rush didn't like me back. And then Ambush walked in and now I feel so embarrassed and stupid. I can't believe I was stupid enough to actually think Rush would love me. I'm outrageous."

"Hey, it's going to be alright. I'm here for you, Jack. I care for you. Rush is an asshole. Do you wanna spend time with me in my room?" Hide responded, the closet door opening.
"You have a room?" I say, "I thought you just lived in the closets and got food when everyone else was sleeping" I also said.
"Here, come in! The closets actually have tunnels, so I can travel through them and catch players. It's actually pretty cozy." Hide responded. 
"Sure, I'll check it out. I really don't wanna be out here anyway. I feel terrible right now, and I feel like you're the only one who understands me." I respond, entering the closet.

"Jack, wait!" I say, trying to run after Jack. Ambush stops me.

"Rush, you have to let him go. You rejected him, I suppose?" Ambush said.
"I mean I did, but I didn't finish what I was saying... Jack just ran off and now I feel like an asshole.." I respond, sadly. I'm not interested in any romantic relationship and now I feel horrible.
"Hey, it's alright. I know how you feel about romantic relationships, you're just uncomfortable. I was just going to ask if you wanted to join me and some other entities for tea. I think that would get your mind off this." Ambush said, his voice genuine.
"Yeah... I would like that. You're an awesome brother." I replied.
"Alright, mate! I'll see you there." Ambush said excitedly and floated away.

I love you, and i'll care for you no matter what happens.

  "Hey Figure, are you ready?" I said, putting on a nice outfit. We did, in fact, take Ambush's invitation to the tea party.
  "Yeah!" Figure said, walking out of the bathroom. "How do I look?" Figure said, striking a pose.

"You look great! Let's go." I said as I opened the door. We went over to the main room and saw a note on the table.

"Courtyard, 1:30 pm."

"Oh look, it's 1:25, we should be able to make it in time!" I said. Holding Figure's hand, I feel kinda nervous... 

We made our way to the courtyard, we could see Halt, Eyes, Ambush, Rush, and surprisingly Screech was there.

"Hey! Over here!" Ambush yelled, we walked down the small stairs and made our way to the little setup.

"Hey guys!" I said, happily sitting down at the table. Figure sitting down next to me.

"Hi Seek! Im so glad you could make it, me and Eyes made a bunch of food!" Halt said, happily.

"It smells lovely." Figure said, holding my hand.

"Ooh, I see you two lovebirds finally realized~," Eyes said.

"Yeah, and I had to hear it," Ambush said, his face changing from neutral to horror.

"Ambush shut up," Timothy said, randomly appearing.

"CAN YOU STOP SCARING US LIKE THAT?!" Ambush yelled, jumping from his seat.

"Not happening bo'o woto boy," Timothy said, sitting on the table.

We had a lovely time, well that was until we heard it.

The scream.. I recognized it.

"Hide?.." I stared at the unconscious body, the bullet. the blood.

Chapter six - "Rushing to the scene"

Authors note:

Hey everyone! Athena here, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, there seems to be a plot-twist.. What happens next is a mystery...

Word count: 1052 words

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