Chapter 7 - Quick, Hide!

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Author's Warnings: Blood, Death, Bullets, and other things of that nature. If you're sensitive to this topic I'd recommend not reading this chapter.

"SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP!" Jack screamed in horror, the unconscious body on the floor: the body, the bullet, and the blood.

Jack could do nothing but stare at the lifeless bloodstained body, tears would well in his eyes.

"Please... Hide... Don't die..." Jack slurred, shaking the body. Tears and blood were all over the floor.

???'s point of view
I smirked down at the scene, it's all going to plan.

Third-person point of view
"JACK?" Rush yelled, running around the hotel searching for him. "JACK!" Rush shouted, running to Jack and Hide. "OH MY GOD," Rush shrieked, staring at the body on the floor.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!.. Oh my god.." Seek said running into the room and stopping, staring at Jack and Rush.

"I don't know what happened I-I... I was just-" Jack said. "WATCH OUT!" Rush said, moving Jack aside. Then we saw it, the bullet goes right into the wall.

"Shit..." Seek said, staring at the situation. "It's not safe. We need to get out, Rush you get Jack and I'll get Hide." Seek would say running to get Hide's lifeless body.

Jack froze, he could only stare in shock and horror as tears pooled from his eyes.

"Come on, Jack." Rush would say picking up Jack.

Bullets would start coming out of nowhere.

"COME ON!" Seek would say, running from the room holding Hide.

"You're safe with me." Rush would say running from the bullets while carrying Jack.

Seek slammed the door behind him, he placed Hide's body down and stood at the door, gasping for breath.

"Are we alright?" Seek said, staring at Rush and Jack, then moving his eye to the body on the floor.

"No. We're not alright, I just witnessed my friend being shot." Jack said, walking to Hide's body and standing next to it. "Hide, please.. wake up," Jack said, tears forming in his eyes.

"We need to take him to the infirmary." Rush said, "It's somewhere throughout door 70." Rush said, He walked up to Hide and picked him up.

"You take care of Jack and I'll take Hide to the infirmary. We need to warn others about this... And we have got to find out who caused this." Rush said, walking away with Hide.

"Jack, Come on." Seek said, shaking Jack.

"N...No, I can't. I... I just.." Jack said, kneeling on the floor, covering his face with his hands.

"I witnessed him being shot... I couldn't help him. What if he dies because of me?? I feel horrible... My best friend could die because of me. It's all my fault." Jack said, sobbing.

I walked to the infirmary, staring at Hide.

"Who could do this to you..? I mean, you never even talk with anyone, you only talk to me, Ambush, and Jack. What would you even do to be shot?? I don't understand." I say, placing his body on one of the beds, getting bandages and a first aid kit.

"You know, I'm so glad they only shot your lower abdomen and not somewhere where it could automatically kill you, I mean I'm not happy that you got shot but at least you didn't get shot where you would die on spot," I said, treating his wound.

"Who could do this...?" I muttered.

Shit. I'm not really good at comforting people, especially crying ones crying to me.

"It's gonna be alright Jack. Rush knows how to handle wounds, I'm sure Hide will be fine in a few weeks or months," I say, kneeling down. Putting my arm around his shoulder. He cried on my chest, and he hugged me real tight as well. I stared at him, I felt so bad, so shitty. I could do nothing, everything was not alright. He's traumatized, he saw his friend get shot. How could I be so insensitive? I pat his back, I couldn't do anything to support this poor soul.

You know, even though I'm sobbing on Seek right now, I couldn't help but recall the moment. Rush carried me, I felt his breath on me. I looked up at him, he looked so focused on keeping me safe, and he held me so lovingly and caringly. I felt flustered, and thinking about it made my face flush. I looked up at Seek, I felt so drowsy and tired that I started thinking about him being Rush,

I thought of Rush. Me, crying on his chest, while he was hugging me. I looked up and kissed him.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Seek said, pushing me off of him.

I started to realize that wasn't Rush, and it was Seek.

"SEEK I DIDN'T MEAN TO-" I said, but I couldn't finish my sentence. Seek walked away and slammed the door on me. I laid on the floor, crying. I felt helpless, and I messed up, again.

"I'm so stupid.." I mumbled.

I felt disgusted as I walked away from Jack. I started to feel anger rise up in my body as I walked to an empty room, I punched the wall in anger and yelled. I continued to punch it until there was blood all over my fist and all over the wall. I shook my fist and just stared at the wall.

"Seek...?" I recognized that voice. It was Figure's. I looked back, I stared at the tall fleshy entity, he looked so worried.

"What are you doing?!" Figure yelled running to me, is everything alright?! What's going on?! Are you okay?!?!" Figure said, picking me up.

Figure looked so stressed, his voice was so sore and exhausted.

"I heard all the gunshots... I thought you died. I'm so glad you're alright." Figure said, hugging me tightly.

I felt horrible, Figure truly loved me. And I just kissed another entity, I feel disgusting. I looked up at Figure, he cared for me. He really did, and I betrayed him.

"I'm alright, Figure. I honestly am, I love you." I say, hugging him. I can't help but feel guilty with every word I say to him. I'm lying to his face, and he doesn't even know.


Chapter Seven: "Quick, Hide!"

Author's Note: Hey everyone! It's Athena, this chapter was very.. well.. you know.. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I spent a while on it.

Thank you so much for reading my fanfictions as well, it really does mean a lot to me.

Now, who do you think "???" Is? We'll have to find out in later chapters...

Love from Athena

Word count: 1126

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