Chapter 10 - Happy Birthday! ...Ouch

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"Figure...?" I say, looking at him, on the floor.

"Seek?... Is that you?" He'd say, sitting up.
He smelled putrid, he hadn't left the library, meaning he hadn't brushed his teeth, showered, or anything.
He looked like he was in the worst state of his life, I felt so bad.

"It's me, Figure," I say, sitting next to him.

"Oh my god Seek, I... I've missed you so much..." He said, his voice croaking.

"I missed you too, Figure. I really did miss you, I've felt so alone." I said.

A few months pass by, everything seems normal.


Seek's point of view:

I woke up, my head was spinning. I couldn't see clearly, everything was a blur.

All of a sudden, I felt a strong pain rush to my head. I fell to the floor, screaming in pain.
I couldn't move, I felt paralyzed. All of a sudden I felt something stab me. Liquid gushed through my chest. I froze, as I heard a familiar voice.

"That's good for now, have fun Seek." The mysterious silhouette said.
I tried to scream, but I couldn't do anything.

My eye forcefully closed, the pain was something I couldn't describe.

I started to lose consciousness, I'd hear someone scream my name in the distance.

Everything went black.

Rush's point of view

I walked to Seeks room, excited to tell him about Screech's birthday party plans.

I got to his door, and it was cracked open, which wasn't usual of Seek. It was either closed shut or fully open.

"...Seek?" I said, knocking as I entered.

There he was, on the ground, a pool of blood surrounded his body.

"SEEK!" I screamed, tears would fill my eyes as my heart pounded.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, everything became a blur. I started to nervously sweat as blood would start to make a bigger puddle.

"It's okay Rush, you can do this," I told myself, I was panicked. All this blood made me feel lightheaded.

I tried to call for someone but no sounds would come out of my mouth. I couldn't say anything, my body started to heat up. My breathing became faster, and my heart was pounding.

I picked Seek up, as blood would cover my body, my shoes soaked in blood.

The infirmary was too far away, he'd lose way too much blood. So I had to improvise until I got him there, I pulled his bedsheet off, and a pair of pink handcuffs flew out of the sheets.

"Uuuhh... Whatever kink you like I guess." I said, pushing it away from me.

I tore up to bedsheet and wrapped it around his wound.

"I'll clean this later.." I said to myself.

I picked him up again, carrying him in my arms as I ran to the infirmary.

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