New Girl and Spain

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1st of June 2015

Cassie was walking to the Leclerc house with Arthur after hanging out with some friends. Cassie knew Charles was home and has been avoiding him the best she could and it was helpful that he was away racing.

"Will you stop that, Nat? You haven't put the camera down all day," Arthur said after they walked into the house with Cassie still pointing her video camera at him.

"Is this a repetition of the birthday camera incident?" Lorenzo asked remembering the day of Cassie's birthday and how she didn't put her camera down for hours.

"It is, the only time she turned it off was to change the battery," Arthur said walking into the living room with his oldest brother and the Spaniard who had finally put down the camera.

"Hey guys, meet my girlfriend, Giada," Charles said as soon as the three entered the living room.

"I had turned off my camera I would of never gotten footage of Artie embarrassing himself in front of his crush," Cassie said as the three had completely ignored Charles.

"I need to see that," Lorenzo said as his little brother took the camera from around Cassie's neck and went to take the SD card but saw it was missing as Cassie had taken it out without him noticing knowing he was going to try to do it.

"I will send it to you later," Cassie said to the oldest Leclerc while holding up the SD card and the Monégasque started chasing after the Spaniard after seeing it in her hand.

The card was safely in her pocket as she ran away from her best friend.

"Give it up Artie, I am faster than you, you are not going to take the SD card from me," Arthur knew he wouldn't be able to catch her all he had to was outsmart her or tired her out but likely the first one.

"Is this normal?" Giada asked Charles as they watched the two 14 year olds on opposite sides of the table.

"With those two it is normal," Charles said as Cassie ran out the front door either Arthur close behind.

"I didn't know you guys had a sister," With that Lorenzo realized the girl sitting beside his brother.

"Cassandra is Arthur's best friend and is like a little sister to Lorenzo," Charles explained to his girlfriend as the two walked in.

"Got yelled at again?" Lorenzo asked the pair as they sat beside him with both nodding.

"Guys this my girlfriend, Giada," Charles said again but this time they were paying attention.

Cassandra still had a crush on Charles despite the rejections and wished for the crush to disappear. It hurt her knowing he had a girlfriend but she hid it.

"It's nice to meet you guys," Giada told the three before Pascale walked in.

"Cassie, don't you have football today?" She asked and the Spaniard nodded before checking the time and seeing that she had to go.

"I gotta go bye Pascale, Arthur, and Lorenzo," She said before grabbing her camera from where Arthur left it and walking out to head to her house to get ready for football practice before Chloe's mom came to pick her up.

"Guys remember we are having dinner over at the González house," Pascale said to her three sons that were sitting around.

"Can Gigi come?" Charles said and both Lorenzo and Arthur thought it was best if he didn't go but now he is going with his girlfriend when Cassie has been trying to avoid him.

"You know Victoria and Javier will be fine with it but I will still let them know," Pascale said before walking away from them.

"When is Cassie's next game?" Arthur asked his oldest brother.

"Thursday, then she has two weeks off which she is going to spend in Spain after going to Berlin to watch Barcelona play," Lorenzo said answering his brother's question and reminding him that his best friend was going to spend two weeks in Spain.

"Maybe she will in the mood of being disown and wear the Real Madrid jersey Charles got her around her Barcelona loving family," Arthur said not letting Charles forget the horrible gift he gave her on her birthday.

"Are you ever going to let that go?" Charles asked his little brother who was flipping through the channels.

"No," He simply said as he finally found something to watch.


The Leclercs and Giada were over at the González Suarez household waiting for Cassie to come home for practice. It had been over two hours since practice ended so Victoria, Javier, Arthur, Lorenzo, Hervé, and Pascale were worried about where she was.

After a couple minutes they heard a car pull up and they looked out the window to see it was not Chloe's mom's car that the young Spaniard got out of but a guy's car who they didn't know.

When she walked in she was bombarded with questions from her parents.

"Quién te dejó y por qué llegaste tarde?" Javier asked his kid not liking the fact that she got out of a random guys car. (Who dropped you off and why are you late?)

"Me dejó el hermano de Chloe como los dos nos quedamos porque vamos jugar el jueves," Cassie said to her dad and he didn't look like he believed her, "Te mandó un mensaje el entrenador y la mamá de Chloe." (Chloe's brother dropped me off since we both had to stay because we are playing on Saturday. The coach and Chloe's mom sent you a message.)

She went upstairs to take a shower and get out of her football uniform while her parents looked for the messages to see if she was tell the truth and she was.

After a few minutes Cassie came down wearing jeans and her Neymar jersey.

"I thought you were going to wear your jersey on Saturday," Victoria said looking at the jersey her daughter was wearing.

"I'm going to wear the Messi jersey Saturday." Cassi told her mom as she sat down in between the oldest Leclerc brother and the youngest with the middle brother in front of Arthur and Giada in front of her.

"Before we start eating dinner we have an announcement as this will be the last González Leclerc dinner for a long time," Victoria said and everyone was confused as to why she said that.

"We got a job offer in Spain and we took it so now we are going to be moving back to Spain next week," Javier said and sadness washed over the pair of best friends as they weren't going to spend time together much longer.

"Congrats on the new job guys, when are you starting?" Hervé asked.

"In a month," Javier answered and noticed sadness in his daughter's face and he knew he had to tell her later that they were going to leave Cassie in Bajamar with his brother as they wouldn't be able to take care her as they will be working non stop.

Cassie was feeling so many emotions. She had been living in Monaco for half her life. When she moved from Bajamar to Barcelona she was 4 and when they moved to Monaco she was 7 so she didn't have many friends but now she had a best friend. She had a big brother figure. She had friends that had been there since she started school or joined the football team she is in.

She was happy to live back in Spain with her cousins. Her and Pedri are two years apart but they are closer than she is with Fernando even though he is not much older.

Arthur and Cassandra promised to stay best friends no matter what happened so they both hope the other keeps their word on stay friends.

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