Family Time

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*Cassie POV*

"Do you have plans for today?" Fernando asked in Spanish as he sat beside me on the couch.

"No," I said as I shock my head as I closed my laptop where I was editing some pictures.

"Do you want to come with me and Pedri down to the beach to play some football like when we were younger?" He asked as I turned to look at him.

"Sure," I replied and he smiled.

"Be ready in 10 minutes or we are leaving without you," Fernando said before getting up and running off.

Chloe was going to go on vacation with family and Isabella was going to go back to Valencia to spend time with her family so instead of staying alone in Barcelona probably bored out of my mind, I decided to join my cousins on the trip back to Bajamar to spend time with family.

I quickly changed into some shorts and t-shirt before heading to look from the two who I quickily found outside the house and I walked over to them.

"There she is right on time," Pedri said before we started walking down to the beach, "So how are things going with you and that F1 driver."

"Not much we are just friends," I said.

"Come on Cassie, tell us because those paparazzi pictures looked a little too coupley for you guys to just be friends," Fernando said as I looked over to him, "He has sent you flowers after each match you have played and he has taken you out on two dates, clearly more than friends."

"I like him like a lot but I don't want to get hurt again. I mean he has been a great fake boyfriend whenever Juan is around and he is really nice and thoughtful," I said before getting interupted.

"I think you should go for it and if hurts you, treats you horrible or pulls a juan, me and Fer will deal with him, right?" Pedri asked Fer as he looked over at him.

"Right, you are our cousin so we have your back and I agree with Pepi you should go for it," Fer said as I realized I haven't told them what happened between me and Charles on Friday.

"I forgot to tell you guys but last Friday Charles asked me out on a date out of jealousy," I said and they looked surprised.

"It is still a 3 year age gap so the only difference now is that your older," Pepi said looking towards me.

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Fer asked and I nodded, "I'm gonna say go for Carlos."

"Enough about me, got girlfriends yet?" I asked my cousins as we got to the beach. 

"No," They both said together as we walked to an empty stop in the beach.

While walking there Pedri picked me up and started running towards the ocean.

"Pedro put me down!" I yelled as I looked over at Fer as he filmed what was going on, on his phone while laughing with Pedri before he threw me in but I managed to pull him with me in the water and Fer started laughing harder.

"Shut up Fer," Pedro said as he looked at his older brother.

"I might switch my favorite cousin," I said and they turned to look at.

"I'm your favorite cousin, right?" Fer asked as I have never said who my favorite cousin was before because I don't have a favorite and they wouldn't believe me if I said it.

Me and Fer are the closest in age and were basically stuck to each other after I was born. Even after barely seeing each other while growing up that bond was always there. Me and Pedri didn't really get a chance to really bond like I did with Fer before moving but football was the way for all of us to bond and now I am as close with Pedri as I am with Fer.

"I'm her favorite, Fer," Pedri said, "Who is your favorite?"

I was about to change the conversation when my phone rang. I took it put my pocket and saw it was Carlos.

"I gotta take this," I said and they nodded in response before heading off to the spot we were heading to and I answered.

"Hola, Cassie," He said with happiness in his voice.

"Hi, Carlos, what's up?" I asked as I saw my cousins kicking the ball at each other.

"Nothing, I just wanted to listen your voice," He said and I smiled slightly to myself.

"Hurry up Cass," Fer yelled over to me before the hit him in the arm.

"Am I interrupting something?" Carlos asked.

"No, I'm trying to stall until something gets my cousins minds off the fact that I still haven't told them who my favorite is," I said.

"So who is you favorite?" He asked as I looked off at the two.

"They both are but knowing them they will think I'm lying or they will fight to be my favorite," I said and as Pedri pushed Fer into the water which caused me to laugh.

"Can I call you tonight?" He asked.

"Sure," I said as Fer looked at me.

"Okay, talk to you later, hermosa," He said using that nickname again.

"Talk to you Carlos," I said smiling.

Maybe I should listen to the boys and go for it.


"What happened to the 3 of you," my aunt asked as we walked in completely wet and sand stuck to us before me and Fer turned to Pedri as he proceeded to do it again.

"Go get cleaned up before dinner kids," my uncle said motioning us to go upstairs.

"Okay papa/tío," we said in sync before before running off to our room.

Once I was all cleaned up from and dry I headed downstairs and saw they weren't down yet so I decided to post a picture I took of them and captioned it, 'Love days like this with my favorite cousin and the other one,' which got people trying to guess who is my favorite cousin.

After a while a they came down while I was helping my aunt and uncle set the table. A dinner with my cousins, aunt and uncle or with the Leclercs was the closest I ever had to normality or stability when it came to dinner. Not once do I not remember sitting down with my parents to eat dinner and talk. The only time I would eat with them was when they had guests over.

Throughout dinner we really got a chance to catch up as we haven't seen each other in a while. Pedri and Fer ended up telling them about Carlos which got me bombarded with questions  about him. And just like those two, they told me to go for it.

I want to go for it but I don't know if I should.

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